Sunday Times (Sri Lanka)

World’s first 3D-printed rocket launches but fails to reach orbit


Relativity Space has launched what they describe as the world’s first 3D printed rocket.

85% of the 33 metre tall rocket – called Terran 1 – was created using the world’s largest 3D printer.

,W OLIWHG RII IRU WKH ÀUVW WLPH LQ Florida on March 22 but failed to get high enough to be able to circle the earth, which is called orbiting.

It’s still a massive milestone for the technology though because it proved this method of constructi­on was durable enough to survive blast off.

,WV ORZHU VHJPHQW RU ÀUVW VWDJH burned for just over two-and-a-half minutes.

The second stage should then have taken over to complete the journey to RUELW EXW DIWHU D IHZ ÁLFNHUV LW GLHG

The upper part of the rocket would have come down in the Atlantic Ocean.

Terran 1 is a prototype for a much larger rocket the company would like to create called Terran R which will be used for satellite launches in the future.

The company said its eventual goal was to have more than 95% of the rocket 3D printed.

3D printing is when a physical object is created from a computer model usually printing lots of layers of a material on top of each other.

The technique has never been used to make something as big as this and Relativity Space had to make some really big printers to be able to do it.

Although the full mission had a few KLFFXSV LW·V TXLWH FRPPRQ IRU D ÀUVW


Scientists will be now be looking back at the data produced during the launch WR VHH ZKHUH LW ZHQW ZURQJ DQG À[ LW IRU future launches.

Relativity Space says the launch is still a big achievemen­t because it shows the 3D printed model can withstand blast off.

 ?? ??
 ?? ?? Relativity said its 3D-printed rocket can be built from raw materials in just 60 days!
Relativity said its 3D-printed rocket can be built from raw materials in just 60 days!
 ?? ?? This is what the 3D printing process looks like.
This is what the 3D printing process looks like.

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