Times of Suriname

Salvation Army to launch Red Kettle campaign -aims at hauling in SRD 300,000


The Salvation Army (LDH) will also launch its Red Kettle campaign this year,” Major Vilice Thomas told Times of Suriname. He announced that the Red Kettle campaign will commence in the building of the Chamber of Commerce and Factories on November 5. The major hopes that the people will lend a helping help by making a donation despite the current depression because the less fortunate need all the help they can get. The major pointed out that the Salvation Army hauled in between SRD 150,000 and SRD 175,000 last year. “The Salvation Army hopes that people will donate SRD 300,000 in total especially given the fact that these are difficult times. The people must stand together and remain strong especially during these difficult times. The people must support each other and show more love for one another,” said Major Thomas who added that people should carry out more activities that require less spending such as planting crops. “I believe without a doubt that there will be better times. I am aware of the current crisis and that more people will request a Christmas parcel. We will give the necessary support to the people. Everything that we receive from donors will be given back to the people.” The Salvation Army which started with the Red Kettle campaign in 1924 helps the less fortunate all over the world. People can voluntaril­y donate goods.”

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