Times of Suriname

$9M from Barry Dataram to be forfeited


The Director of Public Prosecutio­ns (DPP) has been granted permission to dispose of $9M, suspected to be proceeds from a criminal enterprise, belonging to Barry Dataram, a convicted drug trafficker.

It was reported that the Special Organized Crime Unit (SOCU) was in possession of the money after it was found by Customs Anti Narcotics Unit (CANU) ranks during the raid of a house occupied by Dataram at 661 Fourth Avenue, Block ‘X’ Diamond, East Bank Demerara, on April 16. This money was being investigat­ed by SOCU. An attorney from the chambers of the DPP made an applicatio­n to have the assets forfeited before Magistrate Judy Latchman Wednesday, in the Georgetown Magistrate­s’ Courts. I has been understood that the court will effect service on November 25, when Dataram returns to court with his reputed wife Anjanie Boodnarine to face trial for illegal ammunition possession. James Singh, Head of CANU had confirmed that over 100 pounds of cocaine along with cash and ammunition were found at the address, which led to the arrest of Dataram, Boodnarine, and two of their friends Anthony Gouveia and Komal Charran. A joint charge for possession of narcotics for traffickin­g was instituted against them. However, Dataram was found guilty of the offence and sentenced to 60 months imprisonme­nt and fined $164M in absentia by Magistrate Latchman. The others were freed. The DPP has since appeal the not guilty verdicts.


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