Times of Suriname

AssAnGE: RussIA DIDn’t GIvE us EmAIls


USA - WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has repeated his claim that the Russian government was not the source of hacked Democratic campaign emails his organizati­on released before the US presidenti­al election.

The Obama administra­tion, citing US intelligen­ce sources, has accused Russia of orchestrat­ing the hacking of emails from the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta in an attempt to influence the election’s outcome. The administra­tion says it is “100% certain” about Russian involvemen­t, but President-elect Donald Trump has frequently cast doubt on the veracity of the claims. In an interview that aired Tuesday on Fox News’ “Hannity”, Assange was asked if WikiLeaks› source of the hacked material was “Russia or anyone associated with Russia.”

“Our source is not a state party. So the answer -- for our interactio­ns -- is no,” Assange told anchor Sean Hannity from his quarters at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, where he has lived under diplomatic protection since 2012. Pressed on the source of the emails leaked by WikiLeaks in the weeks and months leading up to the November election, Assange repeated, “Our source is not the Russian government. It is not state parties.”

Reacting to the Hannity interview, 2008 US vice presidenti­al candidate and one-time Fox News contributo­r Sarah Palin, once a vociferous opponent of WikiLeaks, posted an apology to Assange on Facebook: “This important informatio­n (the emails) that finally opened people›s eyes to democrat candidates and operatives would not have been exposed were it not for Julian Assange,” she wrote. Trump weighed in on Twitter on Wednesday morning, saying “Julian Assange said ‹a 14 year old could have hacked Podesta -- why was DNC so careless? Also said Russians did not give him the info!”

As with Palin’s about-face, the President-elect’s citation of the WikiLeaks founder represents a markedly different attitude toward the whistleblo­wing organizati­on. Speaking on camera to preview Kilmeade’s radio show, Trump said: “I think it›s disgracefu­l, I think there should be like death penalty or something,” during the quick exchange.

Assange also told Hannity he would have ‘absolutely’ released informatio­n about Trump and his campaign if he had received it. He added that the White House’s “dramatic response,” directly accusing Russia of orchestrat­ing the hacks, is an attempt to “delegitimi­ze” Trump›s presidency, something he believes the defeated party will continue to do. (CNN.com)

 ??  ?? James Mattis makes 1st trip to Asia.
James Mattis makes 1st trip to Asia.
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