Times of Suriname

New Trump travel ban order nearing completion


USA - The Trump administra­tion is planning to roll out as early as this week a revised executive order on immigratio­n that the President says will “protect our people” while at the same time pass muster with courts that halted an earlier version. Sources said the new order will clarify a point that caused confusion the first time around: The executive order will not impact green card holders.

“The President is contemplat­ing releasing a tighter, more streamline­d version of the first executive order,” Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly said at the Munich Security Conference over the weekend. Acknowledg­ing the rushed rollout of the previous order that caused chaos in air- ports across the country and widespread demonstrat­ions, Kelly said that officials are working on a “phase in” period for parts of the order to take effect. The new order is also expected to address concerns of the 9th Circuit federal appeals court, which blocked the original order, that travelers’ due process rights were not being respected by giving detailed notice of restrictio­ns for those with current or pending visas. Kelly said the goal was “to make sure that there’s no one, in a sense, caught in the system of moving from overseas to our airports, which happened on the first release” of the order.

Trump’s original order, issued a week into his presidency, barred citizens of seven Mus- lim-majority countries -- Iraq, Syria, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen -- from entering the US for 90 days, all refugees for 120 days and refugees from Syria indefinite­ly. “The new order is going to be very much tailored to what I consider to be a very bad decision,” Trump said during his White House news conference Thursday, referring to the courts› blocking of its implementa­tion. Asked for comment on the possible order, White House spokesman Michael Short said, “The only thing that matters is what the President signs. When we have something final to announce on that front we will let you know.”


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