Times of Suriname

REO ejected from Parliament Chambers for ‘lying’ to PAC on overpaymen­t issue


GUYANA - The Regional Executive Officer of Region one, Barima-Waini, Leslie Wilburg was ejected from Parliament Chambers yesterday for lying to the Public Accounts Committee (PAC); it is likely that he will now be sanctioned. Wilburg was at the time responding to questions from the PAC about overpaymen­t to the value of $30M made to eight contractor­s between 2010 and 2011. Wilburg said that the contractor­s were written to in March 2016, informing them about the monies owed and that failure to repay would result in legal action being taken to recoup the funds. According to Wilburg, the contractor­s did not respond and no legal action was taken. When more clarity was sought by the committee on the issue, the REO was not clear in his response and he was pressed further. PAC Chairman Irfaan Ali at this point started to become impatient with Wilburg’s responses, “REO you have overpaymen­t of $30M and you will address this based on the magnitude of the problem that is before you”. The Chairman told Wilburg he did not want to know about letters that were written to the contractor­s, but rather, he should tell the committee all that has happened: what is the current status on the matter and who should be sanctioned. The Chairman wanted to know if any of the contractor­s were still under the employ of that region. “REO, are any of these persons who were overpaid still working with the region?” Ali asked. Wilburg responded “No sir”. Ali asked again, “Are you absolutely sure?”, “Yes sir,” Wilburg replied. In his defence, Wilburg said that he has sent several reminders to the contractor­s but is still awaiting a response. Further, the REO said that he sought legal advice from Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Communitie­s, Emile McGarrel. (kaieteurne­ws.com)

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