Times of Suriname

OPPOSITION OPEN TO fiNDING political solution after Dec trial


The opposition recently announced that it is open to finding a solution for the period after the December 8 trial. Guarantees must be ‘installed’ to maintain law and order after the judge has announced the verdicts. The political leaders from the opposition parties made it clear that the fact remains that nobody must interfere in the legal proceeding­s. There will be a new situation after the verdicts and the new situation must be tackled with the nation’s support. “Let the legal proceeding­s take place without any interrupti­on. There are more than enough alternativ­es to choose from within the constituti­onal state. We are currently in a process and the judiciary must be given the opportunit­y to do its job,” said MP Gregory Rusland who is also the chairman of the National Party Suriname (NPS). “Afterwards we will determine where we stand and which solutions we as Surinamese citizens can present to make sure that society can be developed further in a good way.”

The NPS chairman expressed concern regarding the fact that signs were given to put pressure on the judiciary and to end the trial. MP Rusland pointed out that “this is a violation of the law.” “Law and justice must apply to each citizen. There must be no difference in the treatment of citizens. Everybody must remain calm,” said MP Rusland. Once the judge has announced the verdicts, the politician­s can get to work. Opposition leader Paul Somohardjo from Pertjajah Luhur had also pointed out that he is willing to help find a solution for the December 8 trial. He even suggested pardoning the president on the condition that he resign from office.

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