Times of Suriname

Detention of terror suspects extended


The examining magistrate on Thursday extended the detention of the two brothers who were arrested on terror charges. Raoul Lobo, the attorney of the suspects, told Times of Suriname that he has limited access to his clients and that he has not had the chance to talk to his clients since their arrest. The defense attorney met with the examining magistrate on Friday but was not allowed to be at the arraignmen­t of the terror suspects. He explained that he had not been informed of their arraignmen­t. The defense attorney pointed out that the law clearly states that an attorney can only be kept from seeing his client for 8 days and that the attorney must be given notice of the ‘ban’. Lobo pointed out that he still has not received any official word although it is known that he is the defense attorney of both suspects. He is therefore considerin­g filing an objection at the Court of Justice. The defense attorney pointed out that he was told that the English speaking white men were with the police when the suspects’ house was searched. “The parents and the neighbors of the suspects witnessed this. There was also a woman with the English speaking men. I want to know what their role was. The law clearly states that no foreign entities may conduct an investigat­ion or take pictures. Only the Forensics Division of the police is allowed to take pictures. It is alarming. We do not know what those English speaking white people did. We want everything to be disclosed because those people had no business being there,” said Lobo who added that it is not clear if things were confiscate­d during the search.

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