Times of Suriname

MP Breeveld slams Education minister


MP Carl Breeveld (DOE) on Friday strongly criticized the moral decline of politician­s who use strong words to insult others. He still can’t believe that the minister of Education, Science and Culture, Robert Peneux, also allows himself to be dragged along even though he is supposed to set a good example for youths. The minister has already apologized but MP Breeveld pointed out that to him that no longer works because “Peneux has repeatedly made controvers­ial statements. “The minister of Science and Culture is not going anywhere,” said MP Rosellie Cotino (NDP) who defended the minister. MP Roche Hopkinson (NDP) also defended the minister. Breeveld’s political party, DOE, has reportedly asked that Minister Peneux be fired. MP Cotino who is also the chairwoman of the parliament­ary committee on Education pointed out that Peneux has the right to be forgiven. She also expects the same from MP Breeveld who is also a religious leader and should therefore be willing to forgive and accept his apology. MP Breeveld referred to MP Cotino’s point of view as the easy-way-out. MP Breeveld made it clear that there are certain lines and that Minister Peneux has crossed those lines repeatedly. He referred to the fact that Minister Peneux and former Minister of Justice and Police Jennifer van Dijk-Silos publicly announced that they were in favor of castrating and gunning down pedophiles. MP Breeveld pointed out that he is also against child abuse but that those statements are unbefittin­g of a minister who runs the Education sector. The minister strongly criticized scientist Henri Ori on the radio during a broadcast of the info program Informatie Educatief. MP Breeveld made it clear that to him and his party “those statements were the last straw.” “When an ordinary citizen does certain things I would find it terrible but when people who hold public office make such statements I find it unacceptab­le. It sets a bad example to the youths and the people. I urge the government to address the matter seriously.”

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