Times of Suriname

President Granger meets Commonweal­th Secretary General


President David Granger had a meeting with Secretary General of the Commonweal­th, Ms. Patricia Scotland at the United Nations Headquarte­rs Tuesday. After the meeting, he was scheduled to attend a luncheon hosted by the UN Secretary General, and then attend a meeting with the Executive Director of the United Nations Office for Project Services, Ms. Grete Faremo. Later he attended a Summit on the Global Environmen­t Pact and held a bilateral meeting with the Prime Minister of Mauritius, Hon. Pravind Kumar Jugnauth.

In an update to the Guyanese and Mauritius media corps after the meeting, the Head of State explained that both Guyana and Mauritius are currently faced with claims on their respective territorie­s. Granger said that he and Prime Minister Jugnauth reaffirmed their unreserved support for each other.

“With regard to the territoria­l issue between Mauritius and the UK (United Kingdom), Guyana has already made forthright statements. We support Mauritius and I also took the opportunit­y to raise the territoria­l claims on Guyana’s territory by Venezuela. “Mauritius as part of the Commonweal­th has always given us support so there is mutual support in terms of the territoria­l claims against these two countries,” President Granger said.

The two leaders also spoke of their commitment to environmen­tal protection. President Granger said that this would be a hot button issue next year when they meet again at the Commonweal­th Heads of Government Meeting in London. “We feel that the Commonweal­th would be a good forum to keep the issue of climate change and global warming alive. We are going to the Commonweal­th Heads of Government Meeting and I am sure we are going to raise it there.”

The Head of State was a guest at a reception hosted by US President Mr. Donald Trump.

(Kaieteur News)

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