Times of Suriname

%outerse lowers leJali]ation costs for &hinese


3resident 'esi Bouterse who attended the celebratio­n of the Chinese New <ear in Restaurant Chi 0in on )ebruary 16 announced that the legali]ation costs for Chinese people would temporaril­y be lowered from 8S 3,000 to 8S 2,000. By lowering the legali]ation costs the president has granted the request of the Chinese community. 03 Stephen Tsang N'3 pointed out that the Legali]ation for Immigrants 3roject was launched last year. The objective of the project was to give people who entered Suriname legally but who are currently illegal in the country the opportunit­y to get their papers in order. Immigrants from South America and the Caribbean must pay 8S 600 while immigrants from other parts of the world must pay 3,000. The Chinese people deem this figure that is 5 times higher as unfair. ³0any made it clear that a lot of money is being squee]ed out of them even though they make a significan­t contributi­on to the developmen­t of Suriname,´ said 03 Tsang who added that he is therefore glad that the head of state has lowered the legali]ation costs with 8S 1,000 for the ne[t 3 months.

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