Times of Suriname

Anti-immigrant party tipped to win as Slovenia votes


SLOVENIA - The head of the anti-immigrant party tipped to win a national election in Slovenia yesterday said forming a government would not be easy, as he cast his vote in a town in the country’s east. In a highly fragmented ballot for which early returns suggested turnout would be higher than four years ago, the Adriatic state’s 1.7 millionstr­ong electorate is choosing between 25 parties.

Latest opinion polls put the center-right Slovenian Democratic Party (SDS) first on up to 24.5 percent. But its hardline stance on immigratio­n means it is short of potential coalition partners, and its leader acknowledg­ed any post-election negotiatio­ns would be difficult.

“We will probably have to wait for some time (after the election)... before serious talks on a new government will be possible,” Janez Jansa - a two-time prime minister told reporters after voting in Sentilj pri Velenju.

Marjan Sarec, whose centerleft newcomer party the List of Marjan Sarec (LMS) was running second on up to 18.1 percent, also expressed hope of taking a share of power. “We will be pleased ... if we will be able to take part in forming the government,” Sarec said after voting in the city of Kamnik, where he is mayor. He has ruled out joining a Jansa government, as have most other parties.

The divided nature of the vote means the SDS would need to ally with at least two other parties to gain a majority in the 90-seat parliament.

The election commission said turnout by 0900 GMT (5 a.m. ET) was 17.3 percent compared to 15.4 percent in the last election four years ago, when 51.7 percent of the electorate ended up voting.

Polls close at 1700 GMT when state broadcaste­r TV Slovenia will publish exit polls, and the election commission is due to issue a preliminar­y result by 2100 GMT.

The ballot was called in March after center-left Prime Minister Miro Cerar resigned, weeks before the scheduled end of his term of office, after the Supreme Court ordered a new referendum on a railway investment project championed by his government. A Mediana poll published by daily newspaper Delo on Friday had Cerar’s Party of The Modern Centre running third.

The SDS, which has the open support of Hungary’s nationalis­t Prime Minister Viktor Orban, is firmly opposed to quotas for migrants and says most of the money used to support them should be diverted to the security forces.

“We believe that today a first step will be made towards Slovenia becoming a country that will put the well-being and security of Slovenians first,” Jansa said.

Analysts said the SDS would win, but predicting what the future government might look like was hard and another election could not be ruled out.

“It seems clear that the SDS will win but everything else about this election is unclear because the question is whether the SDS will be able to form a government coalition,” said Meta Roglic, a political analyst with daily Dnevnik.


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