Times of Suriname

ABS workers deliver petition to VP’s Office


Workers from the General Statistics Bureau (ABS) on Thursday delivered a petition to the Office of the Vice President. The workers who had assembled at the VP’s Office located along the Dr Sophie Redmondstr­aat wanted to give the petition to the VP but were not received by him so they gave it to the director at the Office of the Vice President, Patritia Ormskerk. The ABS workers have been on strike for nearly 3 months but have not received any response from the government regarding their demand for a raise. Union Chairman Roy Adama made it clear how long the workers have been strike and which steps they have taken to find ‘help.’ He made it clear that the C-47 labor union federation also sent a letter to the VP last month but that it had not received any response yet. The union chairman urged the director to present the letter to the VP as soon as possible so that the union officials and the C-47 can be invited to a meeting with the VP soon. The director in turn promised that the letter would be read as soon as possible by the VP and pointed out that he hoped that the issue would be resolved soon. Robby Berenstein, chairman at C-47, pointed out that the workers feel abandoned and that they hope that the VP can help them. “The workers are running out of patience so I hope that the VP will invite us to a meeting so that a solution can be found.”

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