Times of Suriname

Appeal Court sends oil permit matter back to High Court


The legal challenge mounted by political activist, Ramon Gaskin, over the granting of environmen­tal permits to oil companies conducting exploratio­ns in Guyana is set to return to the High Court.

The matter, filed by Gaskin earlier this year, seeks to challenge the State, particular­ly the Minister of Natural Resources, Raphael Trotman’s decision to authorise oil companies, Hess Guyana Exploratio­n Ltd (“Hess”) and CNOOC Nexen Petroleum Guyana Ltd. (“Nexen”) to conduct exploratio­ns here, without proper environmen­tal permit(s).

More specifical­ly, Gaskin sought to block the companies from proceeding with their exploratio­n and production on the grounds that Hess and Nexen have not been issued separate environmen­tal permits.

The case had initially been thrown out of the High Court after it came up before Justice Franklyn Holder. Gaskin, nonetheles­s, through his attorneys, had moved to the appellate Court, asking for among other things a speedy hearing of the case.

Yesterday, Appellate Judge Rafiq Khan noted, however, the Court of Appeal should not be hearing arguments that were never presented in the High Court. Meanwhile, Appellate Judge Dawn Gregory pointed out that Gaskin had put forth a two-prong argument; one to do with the ability of Hess and Nexen to carry out the licence safely; and the other procedural – calling for the matter to be dealt with urgently.

She noted that while the court was not satisfied with urgency on the first count, merits in the second prong of the argument is that the matter should be dealt with expeditiou­sly.

“So we grant the applicatio­n to treat it with urgency.”

The matter was therefore be referred to the High Court for the Chief Justice to fix a date for the matter to start again before a Full Court. When the matter came up last month, Trinidad-based Guyanese Senior Counsel, Seenath Jairam sought to convince the Appellate Judges that the Court should hear the appeal urgently, since it has to do with liability for environmen­tal impact on Guyana and the Caribbean and neighbouri­ng countries. “If there is an environmen­tal disaster, God forbid, we are saying there are grave consequenc­es not only for Guyana but the Caribbean, given where the Liza wells are near the Caribbean Sea and our neighbouri­ng countries,” he said.

(Kaieteur News)

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