Times of Suriname

China urges U.S. to stop unwarrante­d allegation­s of “election meddling”


BEIJING -- China on Thursday urged the United States to stop uttering words and deeds that are harmful to Sino-U.S. relations and the fundamenta­l interests of the two countries’ people. The request was made by Foreign Ministry spokespers­on Geng Shuang at a daily news briefing, when responding to a question regarding allegation­s that China is “attempting to interfere in” the 2018 mid term U.S. elections. “Non-interferen­ce in the internal affairs of other countries is a tradition of China’s foreign policy, which has won widespread praise from the internatio­nal community,” said Geng. “The internatio­nal community is clear about which country interferes the most in other countries’ internal affairs.” He urged the U.S. to put an end to unwarrante­d accusation­s and defamation regarding this concern. In response to the claim that China intends on influencin­g American farmers by getting China Daily to place propaganda ads in papers such as the Des Moines Register to “make it look like news,” Geng said it is utterly “groundless and farfetched” to interpret normal business cooperatio­n as “attempts to meddle in U.S. elections.” According to U.S. laws and regulation­s, foreign media outlets are allowed to have various forms of partnershi­ps with their American counterpar­ts. “As far as I can see, buying space in the Des Moines Register falls into this category,” Geng said, adding that the practice is common for many foreign news organizati­ons. (Xinhua)

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