Times of Suriname

Father, son remanded on ganja traffickin­g charge


A father and son who were allegedly busted with 10 pounds of marijuana were yesterday charged and remanded to prison for the offence. Orin Battersfie­ld, 53, a contractor, and Quincy Charles, 28, a labourer, both of North Ruimveldt Squatting Area, appeared before Chief Magistrate Ann McLennan in the Georgetown Magistrate­s’ Courts, where the joint charge was read to them. It is alleged that on November 19, last, at North Ruimveldt Squatting Area, they had in their possession 4.5 kilograms of marijuana for the purpose of traffickin­g. Both defendants denied the allegation after it was read to them by the Magistrate. Attorney-at-law Mark Waldron in an applicatio­n to get bail for his clients told the court that multiple persons reside at the address and his clients have no knowledge of the narcotics. However, Police Prosecutor Gordon Mansfield strongly objected to bail being granted to the defendants, citing the prevalence of the offence and the penalty it attracts. Facts presented by the Prosecutor stated that on the day in question, police, acting on informatio­n, went to the defendant’s home where they made contacts with both men. The Prosecutor added that a search was conducted in the yard and a plastic bucket was found three feet away from the house. The officers upon opening the bucket unearthed a quantity of leaves, seeds and stems suspected to be marijuana.

The allegation was then put to both men and Charles admitted ownership of the drugs. The men were arrested and taken into custody. Magistrate McLennan after listening to both sides remanded the defendants. They were instructed to make their next court appearance on December 10.

(Kaieteur News)

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