Times of Suriname

Iran presses for IMF loan; some business to stay shut despite easing


IRAN President Hassan Rouhani pressed harder yesterday for a $5 billion emergency IMF loan Iran has sought to fight the Middle East’s worst coronaviru­s outbreak, saying the Fund would be guilty of discrimina­tion if it withholds the money. Rouhani also said some businesses will remain closed until further notice, after the authoritie­s announced last week that they will begin to ease a shutdown order from April 11. Iran’s central bank wrote last month to the Internatio­nal Monetary Fund to request the $5 billion from its Rapid Financing Initiative, an emergency programme that aids countries faced with sudden shocks such as natural disasters. It was Tehran’s first request for IMF aid since Iran’s 1979 Islamic Revolution. “I urge internatio­nal organisati­ons to fulfil their duties ... We are a member of the IMF,” Rouhani said at a televised cabinet meeting. “There should be no discrimina­tion in giving loans,” Rouhani added, saying such discrimina­tion would be unacceptab­le. In a tweet on Sunday, the secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council, Ali Shamkhani, accused the United States of blocking Tehran’s loan request from the IMF. Iran has banned intercity travel and shut nonessenti­al businesses to fight an outbreak that according to official figures has killed 3,993 people and infected 64,586. The authoritie­s have said some businesses whose operations do not create a big risk of spreading the virus will be allowed to reopen from Saturday. They have not given a detailed explanatio­n of which businesses fall into that category. An IMF official has said the Fund is in dialogue with Iran, with talks aimed at understand­ing Iran’s needs and what is required for the loan request to be processed. The coronaviru­s outbreak has further damaged Iran’s economy, already battered by US sanctions, reimposed since 2018 when Washington exited an agreement to lift them in return for curbs to Iran’s nuclear programme. Tehran has blamed the United States and its “maximum pressure” policy for restrictin­g Iran’s ability to respond effectivel­y to the virus. US officials have said that the sanctions do not target medicine for Iran and Washington had offered to help Tehran face the outbreak. Iran has dismissed the offer as ridiculous.


 ??  ?? Iranian President Hassan Rouhani speaks during the cabinet meeting. (Foto: Reuters)
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani speaks during the cabinet meeting. (Foto: Reuters)

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