Times of Suriname

Palms records six more COVID-19 cases


Within a matter of weeks, six more residents have been added to the Palms Geriatric Home’s record of COVID-19 cases. The six new patients, all female, have taken the cases at the Palms to 12. This is inclusive of one death. Director of Social Services at the Ministry of Social Protection, Wentworth Tanner confirmed that the additional patients who tested positive have been placed in isolation at the infirmary at the Palms. Tanner confirmed too that several staffers of the facility had been placed in home quarantine. According to Tanner, the situation at the Palms is being closely monitored by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection. The Palms recorded its first case of COVID-19 last month. Meanwhile, on a national level, the Ministry of Public Health MoPH recorded another death bringing the total number of deaths to eleven. Dr. Nial Uthman, Regional Health Officer, Upper Takutu-Upper Essequibo(Region Nine) noted that of the 32 tests done yesterday, there were two new cases. “So, the number of confirmed cases is now 137. To date, the total number of persons tested is 1,489 with the total number of negative cases being 1,352. We currently have 62 persons who have recovered; 64 active cases in institutio­nal isolation; two patients in the COVID-ICU and two persons in institutio­nal quarantine,” he said. He cautioned citizens to take the precaution even as Guyana marks yet another Independen­ce Anniversar­y.

(Kaieteur News)

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