Times of Suriname

Nicaragua’s Ortega says COVID-19 is under control, unlike in ‘capitalist’ countries Local epidemiolo­gists disagree


NICARAGUA - As much of Latin America wrestles with the social and economic impact of COVID-19, the government of Nicaragua says it’s got the virus under control. On Sunday, Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega made a rare appearance, at which the leftist leader announced that the country’s death toll was low and that the pandemic had not affected Nicaragua’s health system -- as had happened in “capitalist” countries.

Ortega said agricultur­al output had not suffered from the pandemic and commended “the hard-working spirit of the Nicaraguan, the hard-working spirit of the peasants, who in the worst moments have not stopped producing.” But experts in the country and abroad warn that Ortega’s government is hiding the true extent of infections, and that -- despite Nicaragua’s refusal to shut down the economy poverty and unemployme­nt could rise dramatical­ly this year.

Only 108 Nicaraguan­s have died from the coronaviru­s and just 3,439 have been infected in this country of 6 million, Nicaragua’s Ministry of Health reported Tuesday. But those figures aren’t convincing to internatio­nal health experts or local epidemiolo­gists. Rival calculatio­ns made by a group of Nicaraguan epidemiolo­gists, medical profession­als and students known as the COVID19 Citizen Observator­y suggest that the number of COVID-19 cases has already topped 8,500. The group has also counted 2,397 suspected COVID-19 deaths -- 22 times the official tally.

The Pan-American Health Organizati­on (PAHO), the regional arm of the World Health Organizati­on, says the government’s data lacks transparen­cy and that, in the absence of updated and transparen­t informatio­n from the government, unofficial data sources like the citizen observator­y should be taken into account. ( CNN)

 ??  ?? Workers wear masks as protection against the spread of coronaviru­s as they leave after a day’s work in Managua, Nicaragua, on May 11, 2020. ( Photo: CNN )
Workers wear masks as protection against the spread of coronaviru­s as they leave after a day’s work in Managua, Nicaragua, on May 11, 2020. ( Photo: CNN )

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