Times of Suriname

US tops 1,000 coronaviru­s deaths 4 days in a row as experts urge the country to shut down


USA - Coronaviru­s deaths in the US topped 1,000 four days in a row last week amid ongoing debates on the return of school and mask mandates.

The country recorded 900 new virus-related deaths Saturday, down from the 1,130 reported Friday. Since the beginning of the pandemic, at least 146,460 Americans have died from the virus, according to data from Johns Hopkins University.

And models project that there will be up to 175,000 deaths linked to the virus by August 15, according to an ensemble forecast published by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation projects there will be around 165,000 US deaths by that time. The grim patterns come as several states have reported record-breaking numbers of new cases and deaths in the past weeks. Some local leaders, including Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner and Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, have mentioned the possibilit­y of a second stay-at-home order as officials warn of strained testing labs and overwhelme­d hospitals.

And on Thursday, more than 150 prominent medical experts, scientists, teachers, nurses and other experts signed a letter urging leaders to shut the country down and start over to contain the rampant spread of the virus. “Right now, we are on a path to lose more than 200,000 American lives by November 1st. Yet, in many states people can drink in bars, get a haircut, eat inside a restaurant, get a tattoo, get a massage, and do myriad other normal, pleasant, but non-essential activities,” the letter read, which was sent to the Trump administra­tion, members of Congress and state governors. As the country’s caseload and death toll climbs, at least four states reported record-breaking numbers since Friday.

( CNN )

 ??  ?? US tops 1,000 coronaviru­s deaths 4 days in a row as experts urge the country to shut down. ( Phot:CNN)
US tops 1,000 coronaviru­s deaths 4 days in a row as experts urge the country to shut down. ( Phot:CNN)

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