Times of Suriname

42 babies born on first and second day of Christmas


42 babies were born on the first and second day of Christmas. 24 babies were born on the first day of Christmas while 18 were born were born on the second day of Christmas. Reports indicate that 17 boys and 25 girls joined the population on Christmas. Most of the Christmas babies were born at the Academic Hospital Paramaribo (AZP). The AZP indicated that it welcomed 13 babies on

Christmas. ’s Lands Hospital reported the birth of 8 babies namely 5 girls and 3 boys. 7 babies were born at the St. Vincentius Ziekenhuis (SVZ) on the first day of Christmas. There were no births at this hospital on December 26. Five boys and seven girls were born at the Diakonesse­nhuis. The Mungra Streekziek­enhuis Nickerie welcomed one set of twins on the first day of Christmas.

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