Totally Stockholm

The Wim Hof Method


Wim Hof is a 59-year-old Dutch world record holder, also known as ‘The Iceman’. Hof is known for his ability to withstand extreme cold. He attributes this ability to the practice of breathing that he has developed over many decades. This practice is known as the Wim Hof method. That method consists of three phases. The first phase involves 30 deep breaths – you take a powerful breath in, fully filling the lungs, then ‘let go’ of the exhale. You repeat this cycle at a steady rapid pace 30 times. At this stage, you may feel tingling sensations in your body, or slight light headedness. Once you complete the 30 deep breaths, exhale fully to empty all the air out of your lungs. Hold the breath here for as long as you can. When you feel the urge to breath, take a full deep breath in. Hold the breath for ten seconds, then let it go. The body may experience a normal head-rush sensation. These three phases are usually repeated for three consecutiv­e rounds.

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