Taipei Times

2024 World Earth Day: ‘Planet vs. Plastics’



清清:華華,每年的4月22日是「世界地球日」,我知道你每年都響應,今年你打算怎麼做? Qīngqing: Huáhua, měinián de sì yuè èrshí-èr rì shì Shìjiè Dìqiúrì, wǒ zhīdào nǐ měinián dōu xiǎngyìng, jīnnián nǐ dǎsuàn zěnme zuò?華華:今年的主題是「多一塑不如少一塑」,我打算在那天盡量不要­用塑膠製品,希望能減少對地球的傷­害。Huáhua: Jīnnián de zhǔtí shì Duō yí sù bùrú shǎo yí sù, wǒ dǎsuàn zài nèitiān jìnliàng búyào yòng sùjiāo zhìpǐn, xīwàng néng jiǎnshǎo duì dìqiú de shānghài.清清:不要用塑膠製品?太難了吧!現代生活裡,哪裡都是塑膠,怎麼可能少了它的存在? Qīngqing: Búyào yòng sùjiāo zhìpǐn? Tài nánle ba! Xiàndài shēnghuó lǐ, nǎlǐ dōu shì sùjiāo, zěnme kěnéng shǎole tā de cúnzài?華華:話雖如此,但我們還是可以盡量少­用一點啊!比如說自備環保購物袋、拒絕過多的塑膠包裝和­用塑膠做的免洗餐具等­等,都能為環保盡一份心力。Huáhua: Huà suī rúcǐ, dàn wǒmen háishì kěyǐ jìnliàng shǎo翻譯 Translatio­n Qingqing: Huahua, every April 22 is World Earth Day. I know you respond to it every year. What are your plans this year? Huahua: The theme for this year is “Planet vs. Plastics.” I plan to minimize the use of plastic products on that day, hoping to reduce the harm to the Earth. Qingqing: Not using plastic products? Isn’t that difficult? Plastic is everywhere in modern life; how is it possible to reduce its presence? Huahua: That’s true, but we can still try to use less. For example, bringing our own eco-friendly shopping bags, refusing excessive plastic yòng yìdiǎn a! Bǐrúshuō zìbèi huánbǎo gòuwùdài, jùjué guòduō de sùjiāo bāozhuāng hé yòng sùjiāo zuòde miǎnxǐ cānjù děngděng, dōu néng wèi huánbǎo jìn yí fèn xīnlì.清清:除了減塑以外,減碳也很重要,兩個一起做會更好! Qīngqing: Chúle jiǎnsù yǐwài, jiǎntàn yě hěn zhòngyào, liǎngge yìqǐ zuò huì gèng hǎo! ​華華:沒錯,所以我都坐公車或捷運­來上班,平常比較近的地方就騎­腳踏車去。Huáhua: Méicuò, suǒyǐ wǒ dōu zuò gōngchē huò jiéyùn lái shàngbān, píngcháng bǐjiào jìn de dìfāng jiù qí jiǎotàchē qù.清清:不只是這樣,像我們現在發票都用載­具,工作常用電子文件,大量減少紙張的使用,都對減碳很有幫助。Qīngqing: Bù zhǐshì zhèyàng, xiàng wǒmen xiànzài fāpiào dōu yòng zàijù, gōngzuò cháng yòng diànzǐ wénjiàn, dàliàng jiǎnshǎo zhǐzhāng de shǐyòng, dōu duì jiǎntàn hěn yǒu bāngzhù.華華:是的,不要小看從小處做起,累積起來就是極大的力­量呢! Huáhua: Shìde, búyào xiǎokàn cóng xiǎochù zuòqǐ, lěijī qǐlai jiùshì jídà de lìliàng ne! packaging and avoiding disposable utensils made of plastic. All of these efforts contribute to environmen­tal protection. Qingqing: In addition to reducing plastic, reducing carbon is also important. Doing both would be even better. Huahua: Exactly, that’s why I take the bus or MRT to work, and for shorter distances, I ride a bike. Qingqing: It’s not just that. For example, our invoices are now electronic, and we use digital documents for work, significan­tly reducing the use of paper. It’s very helpful for carbon reduction. Huahua: Yes, don’t underestim­ate starting small; the cumulative effect can be a tremendous force!

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