Taipei Times

The Story of Pig’s Blood Cake



Food shortages have been experience­d by people across the world throughout the centuries, but these challenges have driven people to cope, like the Taiwanese, who have found creative culinary uses for all parts of their animals, including blood. Pig’s blood cake, or rice blood cake, consists of sticky rice mixed with animal blood. After being steamed, the cakes are often cut into rectangles and skewered onto bamboo skewers so people can enjoy them while walking. It can also be braised or cooked in soup.


There are regional variations in how pig’s blood cake is eaten. In northern Taiwan, people coat the cakes with crushed peanuts and coriander, while in southern Taiwan, people dip them in a sauce (either soy sauce or chili sauce). The taste of pig’s blood cake is mild and unique, with a subtle rice aroma and the taste of pig blood, which some perceive as a slightly rusty iron taste. Its texture is firm yet chewy, with a bit of a bouncy sensation.


Originally, what we now call pig’s blood cake was made with duck or chicken blood before pig blood was mainly used. In the past, poultry was raised in almost every household but was butchered mainly for the market, and occasional­ly for festivals and worship. Regretting having to discard the blood, people found a way to cook it by mixing the blood with rice and eating it with a sauce. This dish was considered a delicacy at that time but gradually evolved into a snack that children from the previous generation would buy on their way home from school, then a traditiona­l night market snack that continues to this day.


Gruesome as it may sound, pig’s blood cake embodies the thrifty spirit of the Taiwanese people. But don’t think that only Taiwanese people eat blood-based foods! Authentic delicacies made from animal blood can be found elsewhere in Asia, the Americas and Europe. In Ireland, people eat a breakfast dish called black pudding, which is made from pig blood, pork fat and oatmeal.


Those who get light-headed at the sight of blood should probably avoid blood-based foods like pig’s blood cake. But just as life is filled with adventures, you only know whether you will like something once you try it. Encourage your friends who haven’t tried this dish before to take a bite; it is not as terrible as people imagine.


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