Bangkok Post

Apple’s Irish tax dodge a sorry tale

- JONATHAN WEIL Jonathan Weil is a Bloomberg View columnist.

The outrageous part about Apple Inc’s audacious tax strategies isn’t whether they are legal. They may well be. More upsetting are the ruses and contrivanc­es that Apple used to pull them off. Consider an Apple subsidiary called Apple Operations Internatio­nal, which was spotlighte­d at a US Senate hearing last week. Its net income accounted for 30% of Apple’s worldwide profit from 2009 to 2011. Apple Operations is incorporat­ed in Ireland. It is managed and controlled in the US. Yet Apple says the unit isn’t a resident of either country — or any country. So it paid no corporate-income taxes.

The structure is a farce, regardless of whether there’s a loophole that may have been threaded. The Internal Revenue Service has the authority to label it a sham and attribute the income to the parent company, according to a Senate investigat­ive report released at last week’s hearing. However, the IRS has been hesitant to use its power this way out of concern it would lose in the courts, which have tended not to take action against foreign shell corporatio­ns.

The tax code isn’t working, and so far authoritie­s haven’t tried to fix it. What Apple did was legitimate, you might say. Apple has a duty to maximise returns for shareholde­rs. Tax planning is part of that. Except, this smacks of abuse.

When I watched Apple executives testify on May 21 before the Senate permanent sub-committee on investigat­ions, it was with sadness. Here we had the top people from one of the country’s greatest, most-beloved companies. They didn’t dispute the facts set forth by the panel’s leaders — Democratic Senator Carl Levin of Michigan and Republican Senator John McCain of Arizona — only some of their characteri­sations.

Apple avoided US$9 billion (270 billion baht) in US taxes in 2012 through one chink in the tax code alone, the panel’s report said. Timothy Cook, Apple’s chief executive officer, explained that the company paid $6 billion in US taxes, which was beside the point. He objected to the senators’ use of the words ‘‘gimmicks’’ and ‘‘shifting’’ (as in shifting profits to tax havens), but not the panel’s findings, most of which came from informatio­n that Apple provided itself.

‘‘We pay all the taxes we owe, every single dollar,’’ Mr Cook said. ‘‘We don’t stash money on some Caribbean island.’’

That’s true, of course. Apple used a different island tax haven — Ireland.

This isn’t how I want to think of Apple’s executives. I don’t want to imagine them as scheming to invent and maintain specious legal fictions to reduce the company’s tax bill while government budget deficits balloon. Yet the tax code begs companies to connive and dissemble to lower their payments.

Take another example that the senators pointed to: Apple, as do many other multinatio­nal companies, uses a technique called transfer pricing. This lets it move income away from the US to Ireland, where it has negotiated a 2% tax rate with the country’s government.

When Apple transfers intellectu­al-property rights to an Irish unit, it uses a so-called cost-sharing agreement. None of the transactio­ns under the agreement is done at arm’s length. All the money going back and forth belongs to Apple.

The rules say companies are supposed to be honest about the numbers they assign to these transactio­ns between subsidiari­es. But the tax authoritie­s have a hard time challengin­g them because there are rarely correct answers when it comes to valuing intellectu­al property or allocating research and developmen­t costs. So companies can get away with pretty much anything, making it easy to move profits to low-tax countries while recording costs in high-tax jurisdicti­ons.

The Senate report said Apple shifted $74 billion in income to Ireland from the US through its cost-sharing agreement from 2009 to 2012. This helps explain why $102 billion of Apple’s $145 billion of cash and marketable securities was assigned to offshore subsidiari­es, as of March 30. Even that comes with a twist: Most of the ‘‘offshore’’ funds are kept at US banks.

Beyond the questions of tax fairness, or how best to simplify and reduce rates, we should ask ourselves: Is this the kind of culture that our laws should be fostering? The people running Apple — whose board includes former US vice-president Al Gore — aren’t being dodgy for tax purposes because they are evil. The law encourages them to behave this way, which leads to other uncomforta­ble questions.

If a company’s managers are willing to devise bizarre structures and stratagems to reduce corporate taxes, would they resort to creative accounting to boost the earnings they show investors on their financial statements? What other sorts of liberties might they be willing to take? Where does it stop?

Mr Levin and Mr McCain deserve credit. Rarely does the public get a deep-dive report like the one they just released. They made several concrete recommenda­tions, including strengthen­ing the tax-code section on transfer pricing and using the IRS’s current authority to disqualify sham entities.

It’s easy to be jaded, though. The IRS is in constant turmoil, most recently over singling out Tea Party groups for extra scrutiny. It’s doubtful that Congress will respond. Congress is the main reason the tax code is a mess.

At least the public is better informed about how corporate taxes work. We should take progress where we can get it. ©2013 BLOOMBERG VIEW

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