Bangkok Post



outh Korea’s most tenacious protesters compare themselves to warriors, and their demonstrat­ions to a life-or-death struggle against evil. They are known around the world for their passion, persistenc­e and flamboyanc­e. Their demonstrat­ions — spontaneou­s and meticulous­ly planned, large and small — form a near-constant backdrop for the 10 million people living in Seoul, the capital.

Their causes are rooted in the country’s tumultuous history — a brutal Japanese colonisati­on until 1945, the subsequent division of the Korean Peninsula, three years of vicious warfare and decades of military dictatorsh­ip that gave way to democracy as South Korea became one of Asia’s strongest economies.

The country’s power structure, however, remains dominated by a wealthy clique and its cronies. And that’s one reason for the protesters’ intensity, said Robert Kelly, a political scientist at Pusan National University in South Korea.

‘‘People have grievances, and when the political structure is closed to their grievances, they go undergroun­d or they take to the streets,’’ Mr Kelly said. ‘‘The biggest successes in opening up this closed democracy did not come by electing people . . . but by going out in the streets and rioting.’’

Here’s a look at four of the country’s most determined protesters: THE FINGER-CUTTER To convey the rage Choi Jin-ho feels over Japan’s claim to a small outcroppin­g of South Korean-controlled islets, he sliced his left pinky finger. Twice.

The first time, doctors reattached the stilldangl­ing digit. The second time, he severed it and mailed it to Japanese diplomats in Seoul. He later sliced off part of his ear.

‘‘I do it because it has impact,’’ Mr Choi, 51, said in an interview. ‘‘I care about my body . . . but I don’t think that negotiatio­n will solve this issue.’’

Another protest consisted of a dawn assault on the Japanese Embassy, a heavily guarded red-brick compound in downtown Seoul. He pelted it with bottles containing his own excrement. Last month he decided more was needed, so he mailed his excrement to Japanese politician­s in Tokyo.

Asked why he goes to such extremes, Mr Choi said it’s the only way he can express his anger and frustratio­n over Japan’s claim to the disputed islets. He wants a high-level Japanese official to formally apologise. THE ARSONIST ‘‘We are waging a war without guns,’’ Park Chan-sung said. The right-wing protester is known as ‘‘the arsonist’’ among media, police and fellow protesters because he often burns North Korean flags and effigies at the up to 15 protests he organises a month.

He’s among many demonstrat­ors — on both sides of South Korea’s bitter political divide — who formed their public identities during the clash of pro- and anti-government forces during the dictatorsh­ips of the 1970s and ’80s.

They’re like actors, Mr Park said. He studies demonstrat­ions worldwide and measures his success by the media and government attention his protests receive. Failure is being ignored.

‘‘A good performanc­e is like the crown jewel of a protest,’’ Mr Park said in an interview in his office, surrounded by photos of him leading rallies. ‘‘People like us — the experts — act as spokesmen for people in our society who have difficulty raising their voices.’’ READY TO DIE One night in 2011, Kim Jin-sook took a flashlight and climbed 35m to the top of Hanjin Heavy Industries crane No 85. For the next 308 days she refused to leave.

It had been 25 years since Hanjin fired her — for being elected a senior member of a labour union, she contends. She said that after marches, symbolic head-shavings, sitins and hunger strikes by protesters failed to ‘I AM A MOUNTAIN’ Most days, Park Se-hwan can be found silently standing across the street from the Japanese Embassy in Seoul.

A middle-aged man with a close-cropped beard and a sun-scorched face, Mr Park says he sees himself as a semi-permanent, oneman reminder to Japanese diplomats that South Koreans won’t forget past atrocities, including the sexual enslavemen­t of Korean women during Tokyo’s 1910-1945 colonisati­on of the peninsula.

‘‘I am a mountain they need to cross over, not a mountain they can move,’’ Mr Park said in a recent interview at his post across from the embassy. ‘‘I want the Japanese people to see me and feel fear and know that they can’t mess with the Korean people.’’

He has an 11am ritual singing the South Korean national anthem and cleaning a nearby statue of a young Korean girl representi­ng the sex slaves. He visits other demonstrat­ions around town, but usually spends about five hours each day in front of the embassy. He leaves around 8.30pm, after the Japanese flag is lowered from the roof and the Japanese ambassador heads home.

A former philosophy professor and ordained pastor, Mr Park began his vigils a decade ago, when he was 50, after thenJapane­se Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi vowed to continue visiting Yasukuni Shrine, which honours Japanese war dead, including war criminals.

Mr Park said his wife works several jobs to make ends meet. He said his son initially opposed the protests and urged him to write books or lecture instead. But Mr Park said standing sentry outside the embassy speaks stronger than words.

‘‘I come here to wage war, with a soldier’s mentality . . . I am determined to suffer as a martyr if necessary,’’ he said. ‘‘It would be hard for normal people to understand me. This is my life’s mission.’’


 ??  ?? SILENT SALUTE: Park Se-hwan salutes as he sings the South Korean national anthem during an anti-Japan protest outside the Japanese embassy in Seoul.
SILENT SALUTE: Park Se-hwan salutes as he sings the South Korean national anthem during an anti-Japan protest outside the Japanese embassy in Seoul.
 ??  ?? ACTIVISM AND ARSON: Park Chan-sung, left bottom, burns a mock North Korean flag during a rally opposing pro-North Korean groups in Seoul.
ACTIVISM AND ARSON: Park Chan-sung, left bottom, burns a mock North Korean flag during a rally opposing pro-North Korean groups in Seoul.

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