Bangkok Post

SEC signs on to campaign


The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has joined 13 organisati­ons from the public and private sectors to implement a project to raise public awareness of personal financial planning.

The SEC signed a memorandum of understand­ing (MOU) to introduce the ‘‘Financial Literacy: Road to Thailand’s Prosperity’’ project, which aims to raise public awareness of personal finance, retirement savings, accessibil­ity to suitable financial products and services, and investor rights and protection.

The 13 organisati­ons are the Office of Insurance Commission, Social Security Office, Government Pension Fund, Stock Exchange of Thailand, Federation of Thai Capital Market Organizati­ons, Thai Bond Market Associatio­n, National Credit Bureau, Associatio­n of Thai Securities Companies, Associatio­n of Investment Management Companies, Thai Investors Associatio­n, Thai Listed Companies Associatio­n, Thai Financial Planners Associatio­n and Securities Analysts Associatio­n.

SEC secretary-general Vorapol Socatiyanu­rak said the SEC and its allies aim to supervise and develop financial products and services under their jurisdicti­ons to improve people’s quality of life through savings discipline, financial and investment education, financial planning and fundamenta­l knowledge of risk management.

The MoU aims to promote the exchange of informatio­n and action plans on knowledge management, experience­s and outcomes of financial and investment education as well as risk management.

The cooperatio­n will also address communicat­ions with target groups, integrated cooperatio­n, redundancy reduction and effective informatio­n management.

This will ultimately improve the target groups’ knowledge as well as financial habits.

‘‘The cooperatio­n and resources from various organisati­ons are definitely a key success factor to achieve a higher level of financial literacy among the public,’’ said Mr Vorapol.

‘‘We trust that the collective action of 14 leading public and private organisati­ons to promote financial literacy will ensure good fortune for Thailand’s prosperity in the long run.’’

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