Bangkok Post

Abandon dated law


In some ways, the punishment for blasphemy in Islam is similar to the lese majeste law.

Due to their lack of knowledge and understand­ing, some selfish politician­s, priests and power brokers want to protect religions, scriptures, gods and traditiona­l institutio­ns.

We now live in the 21st century in which the internet, education, connectivi­ty, communicat­ion and social media have more power than anything else, but there are some people and groups who want to take humanity back to the past.

For self preservati­on, some politician­s and power brokers in Thailand think that the lese majeste law is more important than freedom of expression and human rights.

If Thailand wants to joins the ranks of civilised nations it should abandon such draconian laws. Such laws put Thailand in the same category as China, North Korea and some Islamist countries in the Middle East.

No religion or institutio­n is sacred or immortal. Change is the law of nature; all facets of human life are bound to change. So are the laws, society, politics, religion and institutio­ns.


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