Bangkok Post


The gaffe-prone Prime Minister of Australia now faces open revolt as opponents count their numbers

- By Rod McGuirk

Australian­s are quick to criticise their polarising, gaffe-prone and unpredicta­ble prime minister, Tony Abbott. But his critics within the conservati­ve government have largely held their tongues in the interests of presenting a united administra­tion — until now.

Halfway through his first three-year term, Mr Abbott will face a move within his own party to oust him on Tuesday. Lawmaker Luke Simpkins said on Friday in an email to colleagues that he will enter a motion at a ruling Liberal Party meeting calling for Mr Abbott to declare that his job and that of his deputy Julie Bishop are open to a ballot of 102 government parliament­arians.

Mr Abbott and his backers warn that changing prime ministers a sixth time in eight years would be a bad move for a country that has prided itself on political stability.

The popularity of Mr Abbott’s government took a dive last May, when it introduced its first annual budget, which was widely criticised as being toughest on the poorest and most vulnerable.

Unpopular bills to make the sick pay for medical services that are now free, and to allow universiti­es to raise their tuition fees to compensate for dwindling federal funding, have been blocked in the Senate.

“Not only do they look shifty, they look incompeten­t as well — that’s all of them, and Abbott’s just the figurehead,” Monash University political scientist Nick Economou said.

But one of Mr Abbott’s handicaps is that he has never been especially well liked, even when his conservati­ve coalition ousted the Labor Party from power in 2013. Public dislike of Mr Abbott is blamed in part for conservati­ve government­s taking big election losses in Victoria state in November and Queensland state on Jan 31.

“He’s persistent­ly unpopular,” said Martin O’Shannessy, chief executive of the respected pollster Newspoll.

For some members of his party, the final straw came last month when Mr Abbott made Queen Elizabeth II’s 93-yearold husband, Prince Philip, an Australian knight on Australia’s national day. Born in London and a former Rhodes scholar, Mr Abbott is a great admirer of British royalty, but giving such an honour to a foreign citizen who already has a long list of titles even alienated many monarchist­s.

The knighthood was possible only because Mr Abbott had resurrecte­d the titles of knights and dames in the Australian honours system last year, three decades after they had been abolished as anachronis­ms. It was a politicall­y charged and divisive move since the opposition centre-left Labor Party is committed to severing Australia’s constituti­onal ties with the British monarchy.

The Labor Party and even many conservati­ves want to replace Queen Elizabeth II as head of state with a president who is an Australian citizen.

Mr Abbott has other image problems, particular­ly among women voters. His habit of winking appears sleazy to some, and some of his observatio­ns on women’s roles in Australian society are criticised as being stuck in a bygone era. He was bewildered by the offence he created when he rated sex appeal as one of the political assets of a 36-year-old blonde female Liberal candidate in the 2013 election.

His inclusion of only one woman in his first Cabinet after his 2013 election victory only exacerbate­d those perception­s. That woman, Foreign Minister Julie Bishop, has been touted as a potential leadership challenger.

The Cabinet minister tipped as most likely to replace Mr Abbott, Malcolm Turnbull, was ousted as Liberal Party leader by Mr Abbott in 2009, losing a ballot of party lawmakers by a single vote.

Mr Abbott’s public image is predominan­tly a macho man of action. A former amateur boxer, he’s been seen surfing near his Sydney home, competing in volunteer lifeguard competitio­ns, battling wildfires as a volunteer firefighte­r and riding his bicycle. Cartoonist­s usually depict Mr Abbott in swim briefs, known in Australia as “budgie smugglers” — a reference to the budgerigar, a small Australian parrot.

He punched his Treasurer Joe Hockey — one of his most vocal backers — unconsciou­s during a disagreeme­nt when they were both students at Sydney University.

Mr Abbott seemed to take his macho image to an extreme when he threatened to “shirtfront” Russia’s president during an internatio­nal summit in the Australian city of Brisbane in November last year. “Shirtfront” is an Australian football term for a head-on shoulder charge to an opponent’s chest.

Russian officials ridiculed the threat, warning that President Vladimir Putin was a judo expert. Mr Abbott later tempered his language, promising a “robust discussion” with Mr Putin about getting more cooperatio­n from Russia on the investigat­ion into the July downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 in eastern Ukraine by a missile suspected to have been fired by Russian-backed rebels.

Mr Abbott has conceded that he failed to consult colleagues on Prince Philip’s knighthood and has promised disgruntle­d government figures a more consultati­ve and collegial leadership style in the future.

He conceded last week that the 2013 election result was more a case of an unpopular and chaotic Labor government being dumped by voters than it was an endorsemen­t of his conservati­ve coalition. Julia Gillard won the prime minister’s job from Kevin Rudd in 2010 in a leadership challenge by Labor Party lawmakers, but Mr Rudd won it back from her in 2013, months before the party lost to Mr Abbott’s coalition in a landslide.

Liberal Party lawmakers “are perfectly entitled to call for this, but the next point to make is that they are asking the party room to vote out the people that the electorate voted in in September 2013”, Mr Abbott said on Friday.

“We are not the Labor Party and we are not going to repeat the chaos and the instabilit­y of the Labor years,” he added.

Some officials in Mr Abbott’s government were equally vehement about avoiding the divisions their political opponents experience­d.

“We saw, from the Labor Party when they were in government, it turn out like a very bad horror movie,” Assistant Treasurer Josh Frydenberg said. “I just don’t want to buy another ticket to such a horror movie.”

Not only do they look shifty, they look incompeten­t as well — that’s all of them, and Abbott’s just the figurehead NICK ECONOMOU MONASH UNIVERSITY

 ??  ?? MACHO MAN: Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott is seeking to shore up his position after calls for a leadership challenge were made official on Friday. It comes in the wake of an extremely unpopular decision to give Prince Philip a knighthood.
MACHO MAN: Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott is seeking to shore up his position after calls for a leadership challenge were made official on Friday. It comes in the wake of an extremely unpopular decision to give Prince Philip a knighthood.
 ??  ?? DIVIDED WE SIT: Deputy PM Julie Bishop has been loyal to three Liberal leaders, including Tony Abbott, but is among those rumoured to want the top job.
DIVIDED WE SIT: Deputy PM Julie Bishop has been loyal to three Liberal leaders, including Tony Abbott, but is among those rumoured to want the top job.

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