Bangkok Post


While the Prime Minister pushes for economic reform, some members of his party have a very different agenda By Andrew MacAskill and Rupam Jain Nair


In an ashram near the Ganges river in the Himalayan foothills, Indian priest-turned-politician Sakshi Maharaj mimes rowing a boat to illustrate what will happen if Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government ignores Hindu nationalis­t demands. “Modi will have to be a boatman: one oar must focus on the economy and the other must concentrat­e on the Hindu agenda,” says Mr Maharaj, clad in saffron robes and sitting crosslegge­d on a bed.

He twirls his bejewelled fingers in the air, explaining that otherwise the boat will spin in circles.

The Hindu priest, who has been charged with rioting and inciting communal violence, is the embodiment of hardline religious elements in Mr Modi’s party whose strident behaviour is dragging on the government’s economic reform agenda.

In recent months, Mr Maharaj has created uproar by describing Mahatma Gandhi’s Hindu nationalis­t assassin as a patriot, saying Hindu women should give birth to four children to ensure the religion survives and by calling for Hindus who convert to Islam and Christiani­ty to be given the death penalty.

For the first time since the election last year, some lawmakers in Mr Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) are rebelling against his focus on mending the economy and governance at the expense of promoting Hinduism.

This is testing the authority of a leader who captured power to a degree not seen since Indira Gandhi ruled India more than three decades ago.

Hardline Hindu politician­s impatient with Mr Modi’s refusal to champion their cause are starting to advance their own agendas.

Mr Maharaj, for example, wants to make it illegal for Hindus to change religions and seeks the death penalty for slaughteri­ng cows, an animal revered by Hindus.

Protests erupted at the most recent parliament­ary session over a campaign by hardliners to convert Muslims and Christians to Hinduism, torpedoing key foreign investment legislatio­n that the opposition had earlier agreed to pass.

Mr Modi had to use executive orders to drive policy, but they are seen as a stopgap measure that cannot replace reforms needed to address India’s slowing economic growth.

“Modi has a major problem with these extremist elements,” said S Chandrasek­haran, director of the South Asia Analysis Group in New Delhi. “If he can’t bring them under control they are going to ... sap the energy needed to carry out reforms.”

In a sign the world is watching, US President Barack Obama warned on a recent visit that India’s success depended on it not splinterin­g along religious lines.


At the spiritual retreat, or ashram, elderly disciples with long, grey beards bend to kiss the feet of Mr Maharaj, who wears light brown socks with sandals, an orange turban, gold-framed Dolce and Gabbana glasses and a chunky, goldcolour­ed watch.

With a self-proclaimed following of 10 million people, Mr Maharaj, a four-time member of parliament, draws support through a network of dozens of ashrams and colleges.

“I am aware that I am a powerful man,” Mr Maharaj said. “I can make or break the government.”

Mr Maharaj is charged by police with rioting and inciting a mob after helping tear down a 16th-century mosque in Ayodhya in 1992, an event sparking riots in which about 2,000 people died.

He admitted being present at the demolition, but said he could not stop the crowds. In India, trials can take decades because of a shortage of judges.

Mr Modi will have a clearer idea of whether radical elements are alienating voters when the BJP fights elections in New Delhi. Also this month, the government must present the budget and try to enact three emergency decrees in parliament.

In December, Mr Modi told lawmakers their behaviour was hurting the party and warned them not to cross the Lakshman Rekha, a forbidden line in Hindu mythology, according to party officials briefed on the meeting.

“The message is loud and clear: there is no room for any diversion from the economy,” said GVL Narasimha Rao, a spokesman for the BJP.


The battle for the government’s direction is particular­ly acute for Mr Modi, because he and his party are ideologica­lly rooted in Hindutva, or Hinduness, a concept sometimes defined in strident opposition to Muslims and Christians.

Mr Modi himself has consistent­ly denied accusation­s that, as chief minister of Gujarat, he did not do enough to prevent riots in which more than 1,000 people died, most of them Muslims. A Supreme Court inquiry found no evidence to prosecute him.

The Rashtriya Swayamseva­k Sangh, the powerful ideologica­l wing of the BJP, supports lawmakers like Mr Maharaj who are working to make India a Hindu nation, said a senior RSS official who asked not to be named.

“We will support them because it is all for a Hindu cause,” he said. There was no evidence to suggest that the RSS was actively involved in pushing the hardliners’ agenda, however.

Mr Modi’s ties with radical Hindus “can be best described as a game of chess”, said Ramchandra Guha, one of India’s leading historians. “Both sides are on board when it comes to establishi­ng the Hindu supremacis­t agenda, but they want to follow a different strategy to achieve it.”

Mr Maharaj said most Indians, including Mr Modi, privately share his views, and he will continue promoting Hindu supremacy.

“The only difference is he is refined and maybe we are crass,” Mr Maharaj said of Mr Modi. “We may have to fine-tune the message, but the message will remain the same.”

 ??  ?? FIREBRAND: Indian priest-turned-lawmaker Sakshi Maharaj has been charged with rioting and inciting communal violence.
FIREBRAND: Indian priest-turned-lawmaker Sakshi Maharaj has been charged with rioting and inciting communal violence.
 ??  ?? MODERATE: Narendra Modi was catapulted to power on promises to develop India’s economy and root out corruption and incompeten­ce, but radical Hindu elements in his party are not happy.
MODERATE: Narendra Modi was catapulted to power on promises to develop India’s economy and root out corruption and incompeten­ce, but radical Hindu elements in his party are not happy.

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