Bangkok Post

China berries Hepatitis scare spurs screening rethink


SYDNEY: Tougher food screening measures could be introduced in Australia with frozen berries from China linked to a growing number of hepatitis A infections, Agricultur­e Minister Barnaby Joyce said yesterday.

Nanna’s and Creative Gourmet brand raspberrie­s and mixed berries were recalled after they were linked to four infections in New South Wales and Victoria states, with poor hygiene or contaminat­ed water at their packing factory thought to be responsibl­e.

Since t hen more i nfections have emerged in Queensland and Western Australia, with the government confirming at least 13 cases nationally so far.

Asked whether the scare demanded more controls on imports, Mr Joyce said: “That might be a consequenc­e of a review that is being undertaken.”

Mr Joyce also called for a strengthen­ing of Australian labelling laws on food products and urged consumers to buy local produce.

“We have stronger laws. We do have stronger oversight to make sure we have a cleaner, green product than what comes in from overseas,” he told the Australian Broadcasti­ng Corporatio­n.

“That’s why you pay a premium for Australian product ... I want to make sure that when you pick up something, you can look at the can and say ‘This is Australian’. It’s slightly dearer but by gosh it’s safer.”

However, Prime Minister Tony Abbott was cool on labelling changes, warning it could impose more regulation on business.

“The bottom line is that companies shouldn’t be poisoning their customers,” he said.

“We’re looking at what we can do to toughen up screening, but we also need to look to business to lift its game here.”

The recalled products were packed in China and contained raspberrie­s, strawberri­es and blackberri­es grown there, plus blueberrie­s from Chile.

Australia’s Agricultur­e Department said it was engaging with Chinese authoritie­s through its embassy in Beijing, “seeking assurances about the safety of further shipments of frozen berries exported from China”.

It has also requested a review of the risk status of frozen berries from Food Standards Australia New Zealand, although it noted that the hepatitis virus is often present in such low levels it cannot be detected in contaminat­ed food.

Australian regulators currently consider imported frozen berries “surveillan­ce foods” — meaning they are tested at a rate of only 5% of all consignmen­ts for 49 agricultur­al chemical residues, as well as for packaging and labelling requiremen­ts.

Hepatitis A is a viral disease that affects the liver, causing abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, fatigue and jaundice.

It has an incubation period of up to 50 days.

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