Bangkok Post



In addition to physical activity, food always plays an important role in health and fitness. Dr Chatrapa Hudthagoso­l of Mahidol University spoke at the launch of “Movement is Happiness” campaign about common misconcept­ions about healthy eating.

Myth 1. Only some types of food are fattening.

“Any kind of food, in excess, can lead to obesity. When it comes to healthy eating, how much you eat is as important as what you eat. Even something calorie-free like water should not be consumed excessivel­y, because overconsum­ption only trains your stomach to get used to big portions. You can’t survive on water alone, of course, so later on you will end up eating too much of other things.”

Myth 2. Eating at night leads to obesity.

“While it is true that the body burns fewer calories at night because you are not very active, some people need to eat at night. For example, if you exercise after work and feel hungry when you get home, starving will only make your health suffer. Going to bed hungry can cause stress, even when you don’t notice it. You will wake up ravenous and eat too much to compensate for what you’ve skipped. A small meal before bedtime might be better for those who are really hungry, not just craving for something to satisfy the mouth.”

Myth 3. Carbohydra­tes and fat are bad.

“We need all the five food groups. Low-sugar food and low-fat food might sound like a good option, but since the taste is not as satisfying as the fullfat version you are used to, you do not get the satisfacti­on. Without the feeling full, it is hard to stop eating. Some fat and carbohydra­tes may actually be good for your health.”

Myth 4. Only eat when you are hungry.

“When you feel hungry, your body might just be thirsty. When you do not drink enough water, your body receives mixed signals on hunger. If you feel hungry when it is not time to eat, try drinking some water and see how you feel. However, if you are really hungry for food, do not starve. When you starve, the brain learns that the body is weak and needs to store up on calories, so you are likely to overeat at the next meal.”

Myth 5. If you want to change your eating habits, do it gradually.

“Skipping meals or eating too little is not good for your health and beauty. The body becomes weak and the skin gets dull. Usually, no one can stand such a lifestyle for more than two weeks, and that’s when the yo-yo effect kicks in. It is better to change your eating habit gradually and increase your physical activity.”

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