Bangkok Post

North warns against DVD balloon drop


SEOUL: North Korea’s military yesterday threatened to blow up balloons that South Korean activists plan to send over the heavily-militarise­d border carrying 10,000 DVDs of the satirical Hollywood film The Interview.

Activists plan to launch copies of the film — a comedy about a fictional CIA plot to assassinat­e North Korean leader Kim Jongun — as well as 500,000 propaganda leaflets across the border on or around Thursday.

Pyongyang has long condemned such balloon launches and threatened retaliatio­n. Local residents have complained the activists are putting their lives at risk by making them potential targets.

“All the firepower strike means of the frontline units of the [Korean People’s Army] will launch without prior warning ... to blow up balloons,” the North’s frontline military units said in a notice to the South.

It said the launch would constitute “the gravest politicall­y-motivated provocatio­n” against North Korea and “a de facto declaratio­n of a war”, according to Pyongyang’s official Korean Central News Agency.

The move is aimed at “deliberate­ly escalating tension on the Korean peninsula where the situation has reached the brink of a war due to ... joint war rehearsals” by South Korea and the United States, it said.

The South’s military said it would retaliate if the North opens fire on its territory.

But the North’s notice warned that any challenge to its “just physical countermea­sures” will trigger “merciless retaliator­y strikes”.

South Koreans living near the border are “recommende­d to evacuate in advance for their safety” if the balloons are launched, it said.

The launch will mark the five-year anniversar­y of the sinking of a South Korean warship in 2010, with the loss of 46 sailors. The South pinned the blame on the North and effectivel­y froze trade and investment ties.

The warning came even after South Korea’s Unificatio­n Ministry on Friday vowed to take steps preventing the launch in order to protect local residents.

Seoul insists the activists have a democratic right to carry out such launches.

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