Bangkok Post


Jack Warner is a man of contradict­ions with a gift for deflection, even in his native country where he plays hero and villain at the same time

- By Tim Reynolds

In one moment, Jack Warner is on TV telling his countrymen he fears for his life. An hour later, he’s standing on a packed narrow street at a political rally, boasting that he fears nothing. Contradict­ions are a constant for Mr Warner, who grew up with almost nothing in Trinidad and Tobago, and became a rich and powerful vice-president of Fifa, world football’s governing body. He rubbed elbows with world leaders on a regular basis before being forced out in an ethics scandal four years ago. Now, his empire seems on the verge of crumbling.

Indicted last week by the US on charges of racketeeri­ng, wire fraud and money-laundering, Mr Warner scoffs at the accusation­s, insisting he’s done nothing wrong.

In Trinidad, they’ve heard it all before, though many residents say if Mr Warner amassed riches without taking it from them, they’re fine with the arrangemen­t.

“He is our Robin Hood,” said Eraj Sagewan, a taxi driver in the capital of Port-of-Spain.

That’s how many in Trinidad see the 72-yearold Mr Warner, now a member of parliament. If he stole from the rich and gave to the poor, then they see no harm done. He is simultaneo­usly a villain and a hero, known for getting what he wants, but also for personally arranging whatever help — doctors, food, anything — his constituen­ts need.

“If he didn’t live so long, he would have died a hero,” said Sunity Maharaj, a journalist who has long followed Mr Warner. “He would have been the story of the little boy who grew up to be Fifa vice-president.”

Mr Warner doesn’t hide his hubris and says the world’s perception of him is nowhere near the reality.

“Everybody knows Jack Warner is bad news. Jack Warner has Ebola,” he says to an ovation — bolstered by piped-in cheers from an elaborate sound system.

The rally starts late, with about 50 people. The neighbourh­ood’s barking dogs are louder than the crowd. Locals set up tables to sell crackers and snow cones.

After an hour or so, Mr Warner arrives, wearing the lime green colours of his Independen­t Liberal Party. The street is jammed, with the crowd having grown fivefold and police help with traffic and crowd control. The dogs can’t be heard any more. “I do this for you!” Mr Warner proclaims. Ria Bisnath, an observer, said: “If this was America, you would call Jack Warner a rock star.”

His future is uncertain, something Mr Warner acknowledg­es. The charges that revolve around allegation­s of bribery are the most serious he has faced, although he insists they are trumped up.

Mr Warner maintains the Americans are still upset that Fifa — which he left in disgrace in 2011 after being implicated in an earlier bribery scandal — awarded the 2022 World Cup to Qatar and not the US.

“Nobody, no contractor, alive or dead, can say he gave me a kickback,” Mr Warner said. “Everything I have now, I had before politics. But there are some guys in politics now who had nothing before. How come nobody is concerned with that? … But they’re concerned about Fifa’s money because they feel that that will make Jack Warner fall.”

US prosecutor­s allege South Africa paid US$10 million in 2008 to Mr Warner and two other Fifa executive committee members as payback for supporting that nation’s successful bid to host the 2010 World Cup over Morocco. South African officials say the $10 million was paid, though it does not characteri­se it as a bribe, calling it an “above-board payment” to help soccer developmen­t in the Caribbean region.

Officials also allege he and others, including former Fifa executive committee member Chuck Blazer of the US, got rich off accounts they controlled through Concacaf, which oversees soccer in North and Central America and the Caribbean. Mr Blazer has cooperated with authoritie­s. Some of that money is believed to have been steered toward a building in Trinidad called the Centre of Excellence. Mr Warner has denied owning the centre — where residents go to play soccer, swim, even have wedding receptions — but records show otherwise.

Mr Warner said on Wednesday night he has compiled reams of documents to expose wrongdoing, adding that when he heard Fifa president Sepp Blatter was planning to resign, he wrote him and urged his immediate departure.

“Blatter knows why he fell. And if anyone else knows, I do,” Mr Warner said.

Mr Warner’s supporters say the charges are meant to embarrass him ahead of elections this year, with Liberal Independen­t Party chairman Rekha Ramjit calling them “political manipulati­on to the highest extent”.

Simply saying the name “Jack” to hotel workers, waiters, lawmakers and others elicits a reaction, often accompanie­d by an eye roll. Some, including top soccer officials, refused to talk about him.

“I take no pleasure in Mr Warner’s sufferings and his family’s pain,” said opposition party leader Keith Rowley. “I trust that he will be the subject of free and fair judicial processes in Trinidad and Tobago and outside. Let the law take its course.”

Mr Warner often speaks out against the press — he made specific reference to the media at his political rally on Wednesday night and later said US reporters were unfair to him — yet he publishes a weekly newspaper and has thrown lavish parties for even those journalist­s who have criticised him. He writes commentari­es, but doesn’t like answering questions. He was mocked on the internet earlier in the week after he tried to defend himself by quoting an article from the satirical outlet The Onion. Spending a night in jail after his arrest last week was a good thing, he said, because he got to tell other Trinidadia­n leaders they should clean up the prisons.

Maybe there’s no better example of the many sides of Mr Warner than what happened at a World Cup qualifying match in Port-of-Spain in 1989. The US beat Trinidad and Tobago 1-0 that day inside a packed stadium, winning on a goal from Paul Caligiuri — still regarded as one of the most important goals in American soccer history.

Two perception­s of Mr Warner have persevered: Is he the ambassador who humbly gave Caligiuri his straw hat as a token of congratula­tions in the US locker room after the game? Or is he the promoter who arranged for the oversellin­g of thousands of tickets, leaving some without a view or stuck outside the stadium?

“Sometimes I deliberate­ly break my rear-view mirror, because it is not always pleasant to look back,” said Raymond Tim Kee, the mayor of Portof-Spain who also leads the soccer associatio­n that Mr Warner once controlled financiall­y.

“Since I assumed office two years ago, one of the first things I pursued was rebranding because what I realised was the football federation at the time had lost credibilit­y and there were a lot of questions and fears because of all that was going on that time.”

Mr Tim Kee formed an independen­t reform commission and is keeping a keen eye on the latest Warner scandal.

“I have the utmost confidence in the US ability to dig deep … So I have trust in the authoritie­s and their ability to uncover things,” he said.

To this day, what is best remembered about soccer in Trinidad is the run to the 2006 World Cup, the first and only time the tiny nation has reached the sport’s biggest stage. What should have been a gigantic celebratio­n is known here for Mr Warner feuding with players over compensati­on.

That’s where Mr Warner’s gift of deflection comes into play.

When asked what happened at the time, Mr Warner responded with a story about how he mortgaged his home to fund Trinidad’s attempt to qualify for the 1994 World Cup.

“Gandhi once said that all through history, there have been tyrants,” Mr Warner said. “But in the end, they fall.”

 ??  ?? OUR MAN: Jack Warner supporters cheer at a rally in Trinidad and Tobago, where bribery claims against the former Fifa vice-president are nothing new.
OUR MAN: Jack Warner supporters cheer at a rally in Trinidad and Tobago, where bribery claims against the former Fifa vice-president are nothing new.
 ??  ?? RAGS TO RICH: Sunity Maharaj says Jack Warner would have died a hero ‘if he didn’t live so long’.
RAGS TO RICH: Sunity Maharaj says Jack Warner would have died a hero ‘if he didn’t live so long’.
 ??  ?? NEW MAN: Port-of-Spain mayor Raymond Tim Kee has taken over Trinidad and Tobago FA.
NEW MAN: Port-of-Spain mayor Raymond Tim Kee has taken over Trinidad and Tobago FA.

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