Bangkok Post

Erdogan election defeat jolts Turkey

Lira plunges as AKP fails to reach majority


ISTANBUL: Turkey yesterday entered a new period of political and financial turbulence after President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s ruling party lost its absolute majority in parliament for the first time since coming to power in 2002.

The uncertaint­y swiftly rattled financial markets with the stock market tumbling in morning trade and the Turkish lira plummeting in value against the US dollar.

The Justice and Developmen­t Party (AKP) has dominated Turkish politics for the past 13 years but came well short of a majority in seats in Sunday’s legislativ­e elections due to a breakthrou­gh showing by the the pro-Kurdish People’s Democratic Party (HDP).

A coalition, a minority government and early elections are all now possibilit­ies, in a situation unpreceden­ted since the Islamicroo­ted AKP swept to power.

“A new era,” said the headline in the Milliyet daily newspaper.

“Voters showed Tayyip the red card,” added the strongly anti-Erdogan Sozcu.

The pro-government Yeni Safak said early elections were “on the horizon”, with “weak” possibilit­ies of a coalition.

Official results put the AKP on 41%, followed by the Republican People’s Party (CHP) on 25%, the Nationalis­t Movement Party (MHP) on 16.5% and the HDP in fourth place with 13%. Turnout was 86.5%.

The result marked a major drop in support for the AKP — which in the previous polls, in 2011, won almost 50% of the vote — against the background of a weakening economy.

According to official projection­s, the AKP will have 258 seats in the 550-seat parliament, the CHP 132 and the MHP and HDP 80 apiece.

The results wrecked the ambition of Mr Erdogan — prime minister from 2003 to 2014 and now president — of agreeing a new constituti­on to switch Turkey from a parliament­ary to a presidenti­al system.

Such a change would have required a two-thirds majority in parliament. Just months before the election, Mr Erdogan had been targeting 400 seats for the AKP.

Mr Erdogan has yet to react to the vote and his official schedule yesterday showed no planned public appearance.

Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu, himself under immense pressure after the results, summoned his cabinet to a meeting in Ankara.

Arriving at the meeting, Deputy Prime Minister Numan Kurtulmus played down the chance of early elections, saying it was the “most distant possibilit­y”.

Analysts have seen the nationalis­t MHP as the most likely coalition partner for the AKP in the new parliament.

However, while not firmly closing the door on the option, the MHP’s leader Devlet Bahceli was hardly effusive, saying the results represente­d the “beginning of the end for the AKP”.

Another Deputy Prime Minister, Bulent Arinc, suggested that the MHP, CHP and HDP should try and form a coalition between themselves.

With investors nervous, the Bist 100 index on the Istanbul stock exchange was down 5.67% in morning trade, while the Turkish lira lost 4% of its value against the US dollar, to trade at 2.76 lira to the dollar.

“The associated political uncertaint­y only adds to an ugly mix of existing problems for Turkey,” said William Jackson at Capital Economics in London, citing high inflation, the current account deficit, and a rapid increase in private sector debt.

Turkey’s central bank acted swiftly in an interventi­on to give some support to the lira, saying it was pruning its short term foreign exchange deposit rates, effective from today.

The result was a triumph for the HDP, which in the campaign had sought to present itself as a genuinely Turkish party and reach out to voters beyond its Kurdish support base to secular Turks, women and gays.

It was also a personal victory for the party’s charismati­c leader Selahattin Demirtas, dubbed the “Kurdish Obama” by some for his silky rhetorical skills.

“We, as the oppressed people of Turkey who want justice, peace and freedom, have achieved a tremendous victory today,” Mr Demirtas said, vowing to form a “strong and honest opposition”.

HDP MPs had sat in the previous parliament but they were elected as independen­ts and not from a party list.

“There is just one loser in the election — Recep Tayyip Erdogan,” pro-opposition commentato­r Hasan Cemal wrote in an editorial for the T24 website. “And the winner is the HDP.”

The election took place under the shadow of violence, following an attack on an HDP rally in Diyarbakir on Friday in which two people were killed and dozens wounded.

 ?? AFP ?? Young supporters of pro-Kurdish Peoples’ Democratic Party celebrate in the streets the results of the legislativ­e election, in Diyarbakir on Sunday.
AFP Young supporters of pro-Kurdish Peoples’ Democratic Party celebrate in the streets the results of the legislativ­e election, in Diyarbakir on Sunday.

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