Bangkok Post


- Dr Anthony L. Komaroff is a physician and professor at Harvard Medical School. DR ANTHONY L. KOMAROFF

DEAR DOCTOR K: I love peanuts, but I try to avoid them and other nuts because they are high in fat. But I recently heard that eating nuts might help you live longer. What is your advice regarding nuts?

DEAR READER: Like you, I love nuts — especially almonds. To be candid, dear readers, Doctor K lacks discipline when it comes to eating nuts. Perhaps it’s one of my redeeming vices. However, I’ve found a solution to my discipline problem, which I’ll soon reveal.

It’s time to put nuts back on your menu. Peanuts are legumes and not officially “nuts”. That honour falls to tree nuts like almonds, pecans and walnuts. But all of these types of nuts contain a rich store of vitamins and minerals.

I, too, avoided nuts for years. But about 15 years ago, the scientific studies began to show that nuts (in moderation) are healthy foods. Since then, I’ve been snacking on nuts regularly.

Regarding your concern about the fat content of nuts: Yes, nuts are high in fat and calories. And they are also good for you. As I’ve said before, there are “good” fats and “bad” fats. Nuts mainly have good fats, in the form of mono- and polyunsatu­rated fats. And nuts have relatively few “bad” fats — artery-clogging saturated and transfats.

A study published recently in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine found that people who ate nuts were more likely to live longer than people who didn’t. The study looked at nut and peanut consumptio­n in two large groups of people spanning geographic, racial, ethnic and income boundaries:

— 72,000 Americans, ages 40 to 79, living in the southern United States. Most lived on low incomes, and twothirds were African-American.

— 135,000 men and women in Shanghai, China, ages 40 to 74.

The researcher­s used surveys to tally nut and peanut consumptio­n. They followed the groups for several years and counted how many participan­ts died and from what causes. In both groups, people who regularly ate peanuts and other nuts were substantia­lly less likely to have died of any cause — particular­ly heart disease — over the study period than those who rarely ate nuts. This was true even when the researcher­s accounted for risk factors such as smoking, obesity, high blood pressure and diabetes.

An earlier study done at Harvard showed that nuts and peanut butter may help to prevent Type 2 diabetes. Researcher­s found that consuming 1 tablespoon of peanut butter or 30g of peanuts or other nuts, five or more times a week, was associated with a more than 20% reduced risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.

Because nuts are high i n calories, make your portion sizes small to keep your waistline i n check. How did I solve my discipline problem when it came to nuts? A popular grocery store chain sells nuts in small cellophane packages. I have a packet almost every mid-afternoon. And, yes, most of the time, I stop at just one packet. Not rational, but it works for me.

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