Bangkok Post




Two devastatin­g explosions struck the heart of Ankara, the Turkish capital, yesterday killing at least 86 people and leaving nearly 200 wounded. The blasts appeared to be the deadliest terrorist attack in modern Turkey’s history.

ANKARA: At least 86 people were killed yesterday in the Turkish capital Ankara when twin blasts ripped through groups of leftist and pro-Kurdish activists gathering for an anti-government peace rally, the deadliest attack in the history of modern Turkey.

The attack, near Ankara’s main train station, ratcheted up tensions ahead of Turkey’s November 1 snap elections which were already soaring amid the government’s offensive on Kurdish militants.

Bodies of the slain activists were seen strewn across the ground after the blasts, with the banners they had been holding lying next to them for the “Work, Peace and Democracy” rally.

Sixty-two people died at the scene of the blasts and 24 more then succumbed to their wounds in hospital, Health Minister Mehmet Muezzinogl­u told reporters in Ankara. He said another 186 people had been injured in the attack, 28 of them seriously.

Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan denounced the “heinous attack”, saying it was aimed at “our unity and our country’s peace.” A Turkish government official said the authoritie­s “suspect that there is a terrorist connection”, without giving further details. Reports said the authoritie­s were investigat­ing whether a suicide bomber was involved. Interior Minister Selami Altinok said he would not resign, denying there was a “security vacuum” in policing at the rally.

There were scenes of chaos after the blasts, as ambulances raced to get to the wounded and police cordoned off the area around the train station.

“We heard one huge blast and then one smaller explosion and then there was a great movement and panic. Then we saw corpses around the station,” said Ahmet Onen, 52.

“A demonstrat­ion that was to promote peace has turned into a massacre, I don’t understand this,” he said, sobbing.

Turkish police fired in the air to disperse demonstrat­ors angered by the deaths of their fellow activists from the scene, a correspond­ent reported.

Amateur footage broadcast by NTV television showed smiling activists holding hands and dancing and then suddenly falling to the ground as a huge explosion went off behind them.

Reports said that hundreds of people in Ankara had rushed to hospital to donate blood for the victims.

The blast was the deadliest in the history of the modern Turkish Republic, exceeding the May 2013 twin bombings in Reyhanli on the Syrian border that killed more than 50 people. With internatio­nal concern growing over instabilit­y in the key Nato member, EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini urged Turkey to “stand united against terrorists.”

French President Francois Hollande condemned the “odious terrorist attack” while Russian President Vladimir Putin passed his condolence­s to Erdogan.

US ambassador John Bass said he was “appalled by the terrorist attack.”

Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu was hosting a meeting of top officials, including powerful spy chief Hakan Fidan, in the early afternoon to discuss the attack.

The pro-Kurdish Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) was to have been one of several groups that was to have taken part in the pro-peace rally.

“We are faced with a huge massacre. A barbaric attack has been committed,” said the HDP’s leader Selahattin Demirtas.

He blamed a “mafia state” and a “state mentality which acts like a serial killer” for the attack.

The attack comes with Turkey on edge ahead of November 1 polls and a wave of unrest over the past few months.

An attack in the predominan­tly Kurdish town of Suruc on July 20 targeting pro-HDP activists and blamed on Islamic State (IS) jihadists killed 32 people and wounded 100 others.

The militant Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) accused Ankara of collaborat­ing with IS and resumed attacks on the Turkish security forces after observing a twoyear ceasefire.

More than 140 members of the security forces have since been killed while Ankara claims to have killed in excess of 1,700 Kurdish militants in weeks of bombardmen­ts of PKK targets in southeast Turkey and northern Iraq.

With conspicuou­s timing, the PKK yesterday announced it would suspend all attacks, except in self defence, ahead of the polls.

“Heeding calls from Turkey and abroad, our movement has decided on a state of inactivity by our guerrillas, unless our people and our guerrilla forces are attacked,” Kurdistan Communitie­s Union (KCK), an umbrella movement that includes the PKK, said in a statement.

The HDP performed strongly in the last election on June 7, winning 80 seats in parliament to deprive Mr Erdogan’s ruling Justice and Developmen­t Party (AKP) of an outright majority for the first time since it came to power in 2002.

The AKP then failed to form a coalition in months of talks, prompting Mr Erdogan, who had been hoping for a large majority to push through reforms to boost his powers, to call another election on November 1.

The office of Mr Davutoglu said that he had cancelled election campaignin­g for the next three days.

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 ??  ?? AFTERMATH: The twin explosions occurred minutes apart near Ankara’s train station as people gathered for a rally organised by the country’s public sector workers’ trade union.
AFTERMATH: The twin explosions occurred minutes apart near Ankara’s train station as people gathered for a rally organised by the country’s public sector workers’ trade union.

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