Bangkok Post


The Fifa president and Uefa boss Michel Platini had lost control long before last week’s suspension

- By Simon Evans and Mark Hosenball

Fifa president Sepp Blatter’s loss of control of soccer’s world governing body had been evident to staff in its hilltop glass headquarte­rs well before Thursday’s announceme­nt by Fifa’s Ethics Committee that he had been suspended. The Swiss national who has won five successive elections to dominate Fifa for 17 years had become increasing­ly isolated in the months after the US indictment of 14 football officials and sports marketing executives on corruption charges in late May, according to sources with knowledge of the situation. The power had shifted to Fifa’s lawyers and some external advisers.

The disclosure on Sept 25 by the Swiss authoritie­s that Mr Blatter was the subject of criminal proceeding­s on suspicion of mismanagem­ent and misappropr­iation was a further big blow, prompting major Fifa sponsors, such as Coca-Cola and McDonald’s, to call for his immediate departure.

Mr Blatter, who has not been charged and has denied any wrongdoing, was set to step down anyway in February, when a new president is due to be elected. Now, the 90-day suspension means the 79-yearold won’t be able to represent Fifa in any capacity during most of the rest of his remaining time, and may well mark the end of the Blatter era. “People have got used to the idea that Blatter is Fifa,” said a source within the soccer body. “But the reality now is that Blatter is not Fifa and Fifa is not Blatter.”

According to sources familiar with the situation, many important Fifa decisions are now being initiated by its own attorneys, led by head of legal affairs Marco Villiger, who has been in the job for almost nine years. They are being advised by the US law firm Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan.

The legal team has pushed Fifa to cooperate with US and Swiss corruption investigat­ions, tried to calm the concerns of corporate sponsors and supported the efforts of reformers who want permanent change within Fifa, the sources said.

Heading the in-house anti-corruption drive is another Swiss lawyer, Cornel Borbely, who is the chief investigat­or of Fifa’s Ethics Committee. He runs his own law firm and says he resists any pressure from Fifa headquarte­rs.

He is among a small group of reformers who have taken so-called “independen­t” roles at Fifa in recent years. They also include Domenico Scala, a Swiss businessma­n who is chairman of its Audit and Compliance Committee and is trying to spearhead reforms of Fifa’s structure and rules.

US crisis communicat­ions and advisory firm Teneo is also involved. It has been hired “to work across operationa­l and reputation­al priorities”, according to a Fifa statement in July. WARM-UP ACT

The new reality at the “Home of Fifa” was illustrate­d when the organisati­on’s lawyers recently pressured Mr Blatter to stop using Fifa outlets to issue statements in his own defence, the sources said. In practice that means Fifa’s public relations staff have no longer been responding on Mr Blatter’s behalf to media queries about allegation­s he faces, and he cannot post a response on Fifa’s website.

Mr Blatter’s diminished status was clear to staff when he gave them a 15-minute speech in Fifa’s spacious reception hall on Sept 28. Usually Mr Blatter finishes these occasional pep-talks with some lightheart­ed exchanges with staff, a joke or two or a little chat about the previous night’s soccer scores. This time, though, not only was Mr Blatter in a more sombre mood, but he headed off to his office immediatel­y after his speech, said a person with knowledge of the meeting. For the first time since he became leader of global soccer in 1998, he was the warm-up act rather than the headliner.

When Mr Blatter left the room, Mr Villiger took the floor and gave a very clear message to the assembled employees. They needed to understand that Mr Blatter’s view was no longer necessaril­y Fifa’s, Mr Villiger said, according to this person.

Mr Blatter’s lawyers said in a statement on Thursday that he is disappoint­ed that Fifa’s ethics committee did not speak with him before suspending him and said the decision was based on a misunderst­anding of the actions of Swiss Attorney-General Michael Lauber. The lawyers said Mr Blatter, who has denied any wrongdoing, was looking forward to presenting evidence that will prove he did not engage in any misconduct. The transforma­tion in who is calling the shots at Fifa in the past few months has been extraordin­ary. Traditiona­lly almost all the power has been held by the president, the secretary general and the executive committee, which is nominated by the six regional soccer confederat­ions.

However, secretary-general Jerome Valcke — who was Mr Blatter’s secondin-command — had already been suspended and put on indefinite leave by Fifa on Sept 17. Mr Valcke faces an investigat­ion into accusation­s he was part of a scheme to sell 2014 World Cup tickets at a marked up price. His US lawyer, Barry Berke, says he “has unequivoca­lly denied the false allegation­s against him”.

Mr Valcke’s deputy, Markus Kattner, has taken over day-to-day operationa­l duties.

It is too early to say whether the lawyers will retain their influence after a new president is elected to replace Mr Blatter by Fifa’s 209 member associatio­ns at a special congress in February in Zurich. PLATINI SUSPENDED

The election is itself facing headwinds as the Ethics Committee also suspended Michel Platini, the head of the European soccer body Uefa, who had been seen as a frontrunne­r to replace Mr Blatter. If Mr Platini, who has denied any wrongdoing, cannot overturn his 90-day suspension he won’t be able to stand.

The Swiss Attorney-General’s office said on Sept 25 it had opened a criminal investigat­ion into Mr Blatter. It concerned a Caribbean television rights deal and a payment of two million Swiss francs from Fifa to Mr Platini in 2011, nine years after Mr Platini completed a spell working for Mr Blatter as an adviser. The office has said it regards Mr Platini as somewhere “between a witness and an accused person” in the case.

US authoritie­s have so far said that Fifa and other soccer governing bodies are victims, but that could change at any time and the aim of Fifa’s lawyers is to make sure that it stays that way and that the soccer body doesn’t itself become an institutio­nal target for prosecutor­s, according to sources familiar with the strategy. If Fifa itself were to be criminally charged, sponsors and other partners might be wary of the risks of doing business with it.

Mr Blatter’s power began to slip away on May 27 when the US Department of Justice announced it had indicted 14 people, including several current or former Fifa executive committee members, on a range of money laundering, wire fraud and racketeeri­ng charges.

Mr Blatter was re-elected president two days later but soon after announced he would be stepping down because he said he had lost the mandate from much of the world of soccer.

He had still been arriving at the Fifa HQ by 7am most mornings and often staying for 12 hours, according to a source at Fifa. He had been attending meetings of visiting soccer officials and planning for the election and the 2018 World Cup, but crucially, he had not been engaged in any of the legal or ethics discussion­s inside Fifa, two sources said.

Normally a frequent traveller on Fifa business, he has only taken one overseas trip since the indictment. Legal experts say it is likely that his attorneys have told him to reduce his legal risks by not going to countries that have extraditio­n agreements with the United States.

Sources have said that the FBI has been looking at Mr Blatter’s behaviour as part of its investigat­ion, though the US authoritie­s have not accused him of wrongdoing. CHAIN OF COMMAND BROKEN

The impact the turmoil is having on Fifa’s financial performanc­e isn’t yet clear. Its next big money event is the World Cup in Russia in 2018 so it does have some time to get its house in order.

But while no major sponsors have quit since the May arrests, in July Mr Valcke said that the scandal is making it difficult to attract new sponsors. Fifa will also likely be facing legal and other costs as it deals with the investigat­ions.

It has been a difficult time for the approximat­ely 400 Fifa staff in Zurich. The weeks since the May arrests have been “disorienta­ting”, according to one source.

Swiss MP Roland Buechel, who has been the most vocal Swiss parliament­ary critic of Fifa and Mr Blatter, said that several Fifa staffers have phoned him in recent weeks to offer to provide him with documents as evidence of the problems at Fifa.

 ??  ?? OFF-SIDE: Fifa president Sepp Blatter, showered in banknotes by British comedian Lee Nelson in July, has been suspended by the body’s Ethics Committee.
OFF-SIDE: Fifa president Sepp Blatter, showered in banknotes by British comedian Lee Nelson in July, has been suspended by the body’s Ethics Committee.
 ??  ?? BENCHED: Fifa secretary-general Jerome Valcke, president Sepp Blatter and Uefa president Michel Platini have been hit with a provisiona­l 90-day ban, which may be extended.
BENCHED: Fifa secretary-general Jerome Valcke, president Sepp Blatter and Uefa president Michel Platini have been hit with a provisiona­l 90-day ban, which may be extended.

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