Bangkok Post




Think before you respond today, tomorrow and on Tuesday, or you will end up in a debate that will lead to hurt feelings and regret. Listen to what others say, but in matters concerning money, legal or health issues, follow your instincts, not what someone else tells you to do. Avoid joint ventures. Take a look at your profession­al options on Wednesday and Thursday. An unusual change in the way you do things will draw interest that will lead to an unexpected opportunit­y. Gather informatio­n and consider all the ups and downs of making a career move. Stick to a budget on Friday and Saturday — even if you feel like celebratin­g. Overdoing it will be costly.


Consider what you can do today, tomorrow and on Tuesday to put an end to a legal, financial or health problem that has been plaguing you. Look over contracts, negotiate a deal or source alternativ­e options that will help you resolve unfinished business. Emotions will surface if you have to deal with friends or family on Wednesday and Thursday. Being fully prepared to immerse yourself in something you enjoy doing on your own will help you avoid an argument. On Friday and Saturday, check out a job opportunit­y posted online, or make a change to the way you use your skills. A financial change is apparent, so update your resume or put a business plan into motion.


Refuse to let the changes going on around you cause discord today, tomorrow and on Tuesday. It’s important to do your own thing instead of trying to follow what someone else is trying to do. The test of strength comes from self-belief and following through with your plans. Put more thought into your money, legal and health issues on Wednesday and Thursday. Now is not the time to neglect your own emotional well-being. Discipline will be required to tame indulgence. Avoid an emotional discussion on Friday and Saturday if you want to finish what you start without interrupti­ons. Relationsh­ips will face problems if you overreact or neglect your responsibi­lities.


Consider your career options today, tomorrow and on Tuesday. Reconnecti­on with colleagues and peers you have studied or worked with in the past, and you’ll find out valuable informatio­n that can help you get ahead. On Wednesday and Thursday, putting a solid financial plan in place will help you manage while you build a better personal and profession­al life. You have to set your priorities straight and have a strategy in place that will enable you to reach your goals. Take time to enjoy life, the ones you love and the things you love to do on Friday and Saturday. A short trip will give you a positive outlook that will encourage you to make favourable choices.


Share informatio­n and do as much networking and socialisin­g as possible today, tomorrow and on Tuesday. Romance, creativity and taking on interestin­g new challenges are favoured. Don’t be afraid to bring about change. You’ll be surprised at how a couple of alteration­s will stabilise your life. A partnershi­p is favoured on Wednesday and Thursday. Express the way you feel and what your intentions are, and you will get a good response and an affirmativ­e answer. Be bold and ask for exactly what you want. A financial misunderst­anding is likely to take place on Friday and Saturday if you get involved in a joint venture. Get the lowdown about any expense or investment before you agree to get involved.


Your ability to express your thoughts and feelings clearly today, tomorrow and on Tuesday will give you the edge. Try not to let frustratio­n take over if someone is argumentat­ive. Getting into a battle over something ridiculous won’t prove anything. Put your plans in place, and keep moving forward. Someone you know through work or school will try your patience on Wednesday and Thursday. Get all your facts straight before you share your opinion. An impulsive move will lead to loss. Someone you love or feel responsibl­e for will do something that leaves you questionin­g the connection on Friday and Saturday. Don’t let doubt lead to a mistake, and don’t let anyone pressure you.


Don’t let your emotions take over today, tomorrow and on Tuesday, or you will end up in a discussion you will regret. Instead, get things done and live up to the promises you have made. Less talk and more action will bring better results. Getting involved in something unusual, taking a course or doing something creative that brings you enjoyment will lift your spirits on Wednesday and Thursday. Getting out and away from home will do you good. A reunion will help you reconnect with someone from your past. Consider the changes you want to make to your profession­al life or status on Friday and Saturday, and follow through. Once you’ve taken the first step, the rest will be easy.

LEO (JULY 23- AUG 22):

Use your wit and charm to persuade others to help you bring about the changes you want to see happen today, tomorrow and on Tuesday. Upgrade your surroundin­gs or get away to a place you’ve never been before. Change will bring you closer to discoverin­g what you want to accomplish. Don’t wait for someone’s complaints to be voiced regarding your work or the promises you made on Wednesday and Thursday. Take care of your responsibi­lities and move on to more enjoyable pastimes. Socialise with people who are supportive, not negative. On Friday and Saturday, the more you network, the better. Don’t let an emotional situation stop you from showing off what you have to offer.


Take a unique approach to something you want to improve today, tomorrow and on Tuesday. Whether it’s personal or profession­al change you are after, heading down a path you’ve never been before will add excitement and adventure to your life. Don’t limit what you can do because someone puts demands on you. Get together with old friends and share your ideas on Wednesday and Thursday. It will help you build greater enthusiasm about the goals you’ve set. Be careful how you express your concerns Friday and Saturday. Problems at home will surface if you have neglected your responsibi­lities. It’s time to set the record straight and lay out what you intend to do with your life.

LIBRA ( SEPT 23- OCT 22):

Don’t make changes at home today, tomorrow or on Tuesday unless you have the approval of the people your plans will affect. Putting your effort into self-improvemen­t or updating your appearance will be far more satisfying and lead to better health and greater confidence. On Wednesday and Thursday, take the time to reflect and revisit some of the plans or goals you used to have, and it will help you get back on track. It’s important to fulfil your dreams if you don’t want to feel you missed out. An honest attempt will bring good results. On Friday and Saturday, make plans to get away or indulge in something that will spark your imaginatio­n. A break will do you good.

SCORPIO ( OCT 23- NOV 21):

An unusual situation will result in an opportunit­y that is too good to turn down today, tomorrow and on Tuesday. Make the pertinent changes required to alter your living arrangemen­ts or to take off on an adventure that will encourage growth and enlightenm­ent. Show emotion when dealing with concerns you have on Wednesday and Thursday, and you will be able to convince others to support and help you make a difference. Romance is on the rise, and letting your true feelings be known is encouraged. You’ll have trouble making a decision that will affect your home and family on Friday and Saturday. A change can be good, but it has to be made for the right reason.


Refrain from taking on too much today, tomorrow and on Tuesday, or you will be criticised for your inability to finish what you start or handle the responsibi­lities you’ve taken on. Don’t indulge, or you’ll face opposition from someone you love. Don’t limit what you can do because someone is taking up all your time on Wednesday and Thursday. Problems with red tape and dealing with institutio­ns are likely. Leave extra time to take care of any setbacks that occur. Use your intelligen­ce to guide you in the right direction on Friday and Saturday. Make positive changes at home that will encourage you to enjoy your time and space with friends and family.

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