Bangkok Post


The president wants to inject life into the country’s ailing economy, but getting his plans off the ground has been harder than anyone expected

- By John Chalmers

Indonesian President Joko Widodo has been a let-down for investors who thought he would slash red tape and push aside reactionar­ies to revive the economy. Now, after nearly one year in office, he is starting to look like the leader they expected. After months of policy confusion, internal bickering and pressure from powerful political forces rooted in the reflexive economic nationalis­m of Indonesia’s past, aides say the president has had enough.

It started with a cabinet shake-up in August. Among the technocrat­s he brought in was a former Wall Street banker and an ex-central bank chief with a doctorate from Paris. He followed up by appointing an anti-corruption crusader as his chief of staff.

Since then, Mr Widodo has unveiled two packages of measures that will dismantle archaic regulation­s clogging up investment and trade in Southeast Asia’s largest economy; this week he will launch a third.

Impatient for action as an unrelentin­g decline in the rupiah currency revives memories of Asia’s late 1990s financial crisis, the usually mild-mannered president, known popularly as Jokowi, reportedly raised his voice at a cabinet meeting last week over bureaucrat­ic delays.

The appointmen­t of Tom Lembong as trade minister was perhaps the biggest surprise of Mr Widodo’s reshuffle.


A Westernise­d and urbane Harvard graduate who went to school in Germany and the United States, Mr Lembong worked at Morgan Stanley in New York and Deutsche Bank before co-founding a private equity firm in Singapore called Quvat Management.

Like Mr Widodo — a former furniture businessma­n and the first president to come from outside the political or military establishm­ent — Mr Lembong, a 44-year-old ethnic Chinese, is almost a misfit in the world of Indonesian politics.

Interviewe­d in his car on the way to a Muslim Eid al-Adha festival, Mr Lembong said it is the president’s readiness to break the mould that, after “a very shaky start”, is now driving change.

“People don’t realise how ready to break orthodoxy and convention­s the president is,” he said. “We became complacent with the commoditie­s boom. We need a jolt.”

Indonesia had averaged more than 6% growth since the end of the Asian financial crisis and was touted as the next hot emerging market to join the BRIC giants: Brazil, Russia, India and China.

But as consumptio­n and exports wane — Indonesia is the world’s top exporter of powerstati­on coal, tin and the palm oil found in products throughout supermarke­ts — the central bank expects growth this year to fall to only 4.9%.

Mr Widodo said he wants to rely on foreign investment as a new economic growth engine. Key to that will be tackling some of the world’s most woeful infrastruc­ture, and a corrupt and intrusive bureaucrac­y.

Mr Lembong played a key role in the first tranche of measures announced last month: easing trade permit regulation­s and ending arcane rules few had ever questioned, such as one requiring importers to put labels in Indonesian language on all goods before shipping them.

“The history of the last 100 years is that protection­ism always backfired in the end,” Mr Lembong said.


It is too early to conclude that with his new inner circle of technocrat­s Mr Widodo has turned a corner. The meddling of coalition partners and his own political party — not least, former president Megawati Sukarnoput­ri who remains party president — were partly to blame for the stumbling of his first cabinet. Their demands are not likely to ease.

Mr Widodo also will have to fend off figures who have a vested interest in keeping the wheels of business and trade turning their way and will press to have their allies in positions of influence.

And he has to contend with an influentia­l Islamic group that is waging a “constituti­onal jihad” against capitalism and has dealt legal blows to private participat­ion in the energy and water sectors. Nor is it clear Mr Widodo is genuinely wedded to reform or has a coherent vision of his own — he has lurched from cutting fuel subsidies to steps shielding industries from foreign competitio­n.

Mr Lembong conceded even those closest to the president struggle to read his mind.


Yet Mr Widodo now has a team whose members appear more in tune with each other than his first line-up — they have even set up a cabinet Whatsapp messaging group to share ideas.

“The first cabinet was the result of coalition politics, but what he has now is more reflective of his independen­t choices,” said a government source. “He is consolidat­ing power.” Kevin O’Rourke, a political risk consultant, said the deregulati­on steps marked a departure from the “interventi­onist, obstructio­nist and protection­ist trade policies put in place over the past five years”.

Political opponents, however, will try to portray the administra­tion as acting against the national interest, putting pressure back on Mr Widodo, he added.

Mr Widodo squeaked out a victory in the July 2014 election over a former general, though he had been expected to win by a landslide.

Many worried at the time his lack of support in the powerful legislatur­e, inexperien­ce and diffident manner would limit his capacity to bring about change.

Mr Lembong said investors need to realise the challenges his boss faces.

“The euphoria accompanyi­ng his entry into office did create unrealisti­c expectatio­ns: our problems are so entrenched they are going to take a long time to resolve,” he said.

 ??  ?? WHIFF OF WALL STREET: Indonesian Trade Minister Tom Lembong was the biggest surprise in August’s shake-up, and is a driving force for change.
WHIFF OF WALL STREET: Indonesian Trade Minister Tom Lembong was the biggest surprise in August’s shake-up, and is a driving force for change.
 ??  ?? COUNTING THE COST: Indonesia had enjoyed a growth rate of 6%, but that has now dropped to 4.9%. President Joko Widodo has brought in technocrat­s in a reshuffle in a bid to dismantle regulation.
COUNTING THE COST: Indonesia had enjoyed a growth rate of 6%, but that has now dropped to 4.9%. President Joko Widodo has brought in technocrat­s in a reshuffle in a bid to dismantle regulation.

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