Bangkok Post

Spain’s GDP outdoes euro zone peers’


MADRID: Spain’s economy grew faster than most others in the euro zone from July to September, but turning the recovery into votes in the national election next month still looks like a struggle for Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy.

Output expanded by 0.8% in the third quarter from the second, the National Statistics Institute (INE) said, as household spending recovered more from its crisis levels.

But falling wages, job insecurity and an unemployme­nt rate of 21% are still weighing on many families. With weeks to go until the Dec 20 vote, Rajoy’s centre-right People’s Party (PP) has made only modest gains in the polls.

The PP is still far off a majority in parliament after years of spending cuts and corruption scandals.

Tourism accounts for around 11% of Spain’s output, and the best year on record in terms of foreign visitors has helped boost the number of jobs in restaurant­s, hotels and other parts of the service sector.

Spain’s economy has rebounded from recession since mid-2013 thanks to an export boom and a consumer spending revival linked to falling unemployme­nt.

Rajoy’s government is credited with helping to stem job losses through a labour reform that gave companies more room to manoeuvre on salaries.

But the reform has failed to tackle employers’ abuse of short-term contracts. The gap between Spain’s highest earners and its poorest is on the rise, economists say.

The rise of new parties in Spain, from leftist Podemos to market-friendly Ciudadanos, also presents a formidable challenge for Rajoy, and has made the election results all the more unpredicta­ble.

Analysts do not rule out that the uncertaint­y could in the end play in the PP’s favour, however. In Britain, the Conservati­ve Party won a surprise majority in May amid an economic upturn.

Carlos Barrera, a political communicat­ion professor at the University of Navarre, said the final weeks of the campaign would be decisive.

“The big dilemma will be what inspires you most as a voter: a sense of security or a sense of excitement,” he said.

The government said this week that economic growth had picked up pace again in October.

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