Bangkok Post

A dressing down


Re: “New York Muslims cope with backlash after Paris attacks”, ( BP, Nov 27).

The naivete of Americans in general never ceases to amaze me.

Ask those who register this same complaint and doubtless they will most likely wear a label telling all about them by virtue of wearing items of dress after recent terrorist attacks that they are Muslims. In the US at the present time, even police personnel are not safe from street violence, so do show some common sense.

I find it hard to understand why people of any religious group insist on identifyin­g their beliefs no matter where they live by wearing certain clothes, be it the hijab, oversize hats and Hassidic curls or religious icons. It is pure religious arrogance, so you must accept the inevitable backlash.

I agree that religious tolerance should be expected, but in this world it is not.


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