Bangkok Post

The real booze issue


Re: “Activists demand big hike in booze taxes”, (Online, March 2).

I disagree with Sawitree Assanangko­rnchai, director of the Centre for Alcohol Studies, who suggests alcohol is dangerous and a health and social problem, dubbing it a “sin” product harmful to our quality of life.

Obviously she hasn’t studied the matter very objectivel­y. What she in fact means is alcohol has the potential for abuse among weak-willed people to cause alcoholism, some social harm and health issues.

Her own statistics suggest only 20% of adult Thais drink regularly, and I’m guessing most do so responsibl­y, enjoy the relaxation and social mood, with minimal permanent harm. Increasing tax isn’t going to discourage this. What she should be focusing on is the abundance of cheap, lethal lao khao abused by poor working class people who, frankly, need relief from their harsh lives. Tax that heavily and you’ll get your positive results. Leave the rest of us, 18 or older, to imbibe as we see fit.


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