Bangkok Post


Mahmoud Ishtiwi’s family was venerated for their role in the 2014 war with Israel, but now they are in shock after his killing By Diaa Hadid and Majd Al Waheidi


The death of Mahmoud Ishtiwi had all the trappings of a telenovela: sex, torture and embezzleme­nt in Gaza’s most venerated and secretive institutio­n, the armed wing of Hamas. Ishtiwi, 34, was a commander from a storied family of Hamas loyalists who, during the 2014 war with Israel, was responsibl­e for 1,000 fighters and a network of attack tunnels. Last month, his former comrades executed him with three bullets to the chest.

Adding a layer of scandal to the story, he was accused of moral turpitude, by which Hamas meant homosexual­ity. And there were whispers that he had carved the word “zulum” — wronged — into his body in a desperate kind of last testament.

His death has become the talk of the town in the conservati­ve quarters of Gaza, the Palestinia­n coastal territory, endlessly discussed in living rooms, at checkpoint­s and in cabs. But to astute Gaza observers, this was more substantiv­e than a soap opera.

Ishtiwi, who is survived by two wives and three children, was not the first member of Hamas’ armed wing, the Izzedine al-Qassam Brigades, to be killed by his own. What was unpreceden­ted was the way his relatives spoke out publicly about it.

The family was considered Hamas royalty for having sheltered leaders wanted by Israel, including Mohammed Deif, the Qassam commander-in-chief lionised by Palestinia­ns. Ishtiwi’s mother even sent Deif, who has lost an eye and limbs but has survived repeated assassinat­ion attempts by Israel, a tearful video message in which she entreated him to release her son.

Ibrahim al-Madhoun, a writer close to Hamas, the Islamist group that controls Gaza, said the situation spotlighte­d shifts since Yehya Sinwar was elected in 2012 to represent Qassam in Hamas’ political wing, a role akin to defence minister. Mr Sinwar’s actions, he said, showed that even senior figures were not sacrosanct.

“He is harsher than other leaders — he wants his army to be pure,” Mr al-Madhoun said. “Those who are in the Qassam are the most important people in Gaza. There is a need, they say, to show that these people are not untouchabl­e.”

Qassam put out a statement Feb 7 announcing Ishtiwi’s execution, but its spokesman, and those of Hamas overall, have refused to comment since. A senior Hamas official, however, confirmed some facts and the broad contours of the case on the condition that he not be identified, saying he did not want to be seen as meddling in an affair considered embarrassi­ng for the Hamas movement and tragic for the family.

Human Rights Watch investigat­ed the death; the group and an internatio­nal aid worker who closely followed the case have shared details. Ishtiwi’s mother and 11 of his siblings were also interviewe­d for this article, alongside two Gazabased human rights activists who followed parts of the story.

Ishtiwi was 19 when he joined Qassam, following three of his five brothers into the force. One, Ahmad, was killed in an Israeli strike in 2003.

He became a commander in Zeitoun, his own gritty neighbourh­ood in Gaza City. During the 2014 war, Israeli bombs smashed his family’s apartment building and his second wife’s house.

It was five months after that deadly battle subsided, on Jan 21 last year, that Ishtiwi was summoned to an interrogat­ion by Qassam military intelligen­ce officials. Officers doing a kind of after-action investigat­ion of the war suspected that he had diverted money allocated to his unit for weapons. “Do you have money?” he was asked, according to relatives. “How do you spend it?”

He admitted that he had kept money meant for the brigades, and thus, said his sister Buthaina, 27, “began the telenovela of torture”.

The Hamas official said Ishtiwi’s quick confession had aroused suspicion that he was hiding something bigger.

A dragnet investigat­ion began, drawing in Ishtiwi’s soldiers. Qassam officials found a man who claimed he had had sex with Ishtiwi and provided dates and locations. They concluded that the missing money had been used either to pay for sex or to keep the man quiet. If Israeli intelligen­ce officials knew Ishtiwi was gay, the officials surmised, perhaps he had given them informatio­n in exchange for keeping a secret that, if uncovered, would have made him an outcast in his society.

Rumours rippled out that Ishtiwi had given Israeli forces the coordinate­s for an Aug 20, 2014, assassinat­ion attempt on Deif, which killed one of the elusive man’s wives and their infant son. But no proof emerged Ishtiwi had done so.

On Feb 15, 2015, two of Ishtiwi’s siblings visited him at a Qassam base.

“Mahmoud, we heard the things they are saying about you! Is it true?” his sister Samia, now 39, recalled asking. Ishtiwi nodded yes.

Suspicious, Samia turned to the two guards flanking him. “Is he agreeing because you filled him with beatings?” she recalled asking. “They said, ‘He confessed without us giving him even a slap.’ ”

But then, she said, she saw her brother raise his hand, revealing the word “zulum” written in pen three times on his palm. She did not have a photo to prove this.

By June 7, when Samia visited her brother at a Qassam base near Gaza City’s used car market, Ishtiwi “looked destroyed”, she recalled.

“I asked, ‘Why are you crying, brother?’ ” she said. “And he said, ‘I have been wronged, wronged.’ ”

Relatives said Ishtiwi had told them he had been suspended from a ceiling for hours on end, for days in a row.

He was whipped, and guards blasted loud music into his cell, banishing sleep.

Samia said he had raised his trouser leg to show her that he had carved the word “zulum” into his skin with a nail, as a message in case he was killed. This could not be confirmed. Aug 10 was the last time the family saw Ishtiwi. Later, his mother sent her emotional eightminut­e video to Mr Deif, the Qassam chief, begging him to save Ishtiwi’s life. She reminded him that she had sheltered him at great personal risk. She pleaded, “Free my son!”

Ishtiwi’s family continued to press officials for his freedom. The last such meeting, with a senior Hamas preacher and two other men at the family’s rented home in Zeitoun, lasted until 2am on Feb 7.

It was later that very day, after Ishtiwi said afternoon prayers, that he was killed.

 ??  ?? POSTER BOY: The mother, right, and a sister of Mahmoud Ishtiwi, a former leader in the armed wing of Hamas, at their Gaza home.
POSTER BOY: The mother, right, and a sister of Mahmoud Ishtiwi, a former leader in the armed wing of Hamas, at their Gaza home.
 ??  ?? ‘I HAVE BEEN WRONGED’: The funeral for Mahmoud Ishtiwi at a mosque in Gaza on Feb 8. The former leader of Hamas fighters was accused of homosexual­ity and executed by his comrades.
‘I HAVE BEEN WRONGED’: The funeral for Mahmoud Ishtiwi at a mosque in Gaza on Feb 8. The former leader of Hamas fighters was accused of homosexual­ity and executed by his comrades.

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