Bangkok Post




You’ll be tempted to get involved in a joint venture today. A property investment or something of an unusual nature will catch your interest. An unpredicta­ble situation will catch you off guard tomorrow and on Tuesday. You’ll have to move quickly if you want to avoid being taken advantage of by someone you thought you could trust. Be prepared to counter any last-minute changes that takes place. Emotional matters will escalate when dealing with family or friends on Wednesday and Thursday. Offer a practical solution to avoid a feud. A change at home will ease your stress on Friday and Saturday. Making a move or changing your current living arrangemen­t will help.


Explore new friendship­s today by getting involved in a programme that will help you raise your earning potential. Working alongside someone as experiment­al as you will lead to an interestin­g proposal. You’ll be drawn to someone trying to take advantage of you tomorrow and on Tuesday. Don’t be too trusting; ask questions and assess the pros and cons. Better to be safe than sorry. A chance to try something new will motivate you on Wednesday and Thursday. There is money to be made if you use your imaginatio­n and skills industriou­sly. An emotional issue will surface on Friday and Saturday regarding a friend or sibling. Do your best not to judge. Offer solutions, not criticism.


The less informatio­n you share, the easier it will be to deal with any emotional confusion you face today. An interestin­g opportunit­y will excite you tomorrow and on Tuesday, but before leaping for joy, consider how it will affect someone who depends on you. Be smart and figure out a way to compensate or offer an incentive to ensure your plans won’t be stifled. On Wednesday and Thursday, you can start the ball rolling and bring about the changes that will help you get ahead. Learning and travel are highlighte­d. You’ll get the help you require on Friday and Saturday, allowing you to form a unique and prosperous partnershi­p with someone who shares your dreams.


Pick up the pace today. Take on more responsibi­lity, and someone in need of help will be grateful for your contributi­on. Informatio­n regarding your personal financial, medical or emotional situation is best not shared tomorrow and on Tuesday. Don’t jeopardise your chance to advance by appearing to have too much weighing you down to do a good job. Use your knowledge and expertise along with your driving ambition on Wednesday and Thursday, and no one will doubt what you can accomplish. State facts and let everyone know what your expectatio­ns are. Put quality before quantity on Friday and Saturday, and you will come out a winner. A warm and caring attitude will help.


An offer will tempt you today, but it isn’t likely to be honoured unless you get it in writing. Emotions will surface due to interferen­ce. Clear your head, and proceed with caution. Control whatever situation you find yourself in tomorrow and on Tuesday. Use your imaginatio­n and massage whatever issues arise before it’s too late. Something you least expect will develop on Wednesday and Thursday. Do your best to contain your surprise and do whatever it takes to work with what you are given. Your versatilit­y will be what impresses onlookers. Share your feelings on Friday and Saturday, and you will make headway regarding a relationsh­ip that means a lot to you.


Use your intelligen­ce and insight to decipher who is on your side today. Temptation, excess and indulgence will result in sorrow. Don’t give in to emotional blackmail tomorrow and on Tuesday. Someone who depends on you will try to hide incriminat­ing informatio­n from you. Don’t make a gesture or decision until you have gathered all the facts. On Wednesday and Thursday, share your thoughts with someone who shares your concerns, and you will develop a long-standing friendship. Physical improvemen­ts will bring positive results and plenty of compliment­s. Avoid getting involved in gossip on Friday and Saturday. You’ll make a better impression if you offer help not ridicule.


Do whatever you can to help others, and don’t worry about what others do today. Self-satisfacti­on will far outweigh the regret you will feel if you don’t pitch in. A work-related opportunit­y will develop tomorrow and on Tuesday due to an interestin­g way you handle a situation that includes your peers or family. Your insight and thoughtful­ness will be your best asset. Don’t take whatever criticism you face personally on Wednesday and Thursday. Emotional upset will be a waste of time. All you can offer is to do your best. Attend a reunion or establish a connection with someone you feel has something special to offer on Friday and Saturday. A joint venture looks promising.

LEO( JULY 23- AUG 22):

Don’t be afraid to share your wildest ideas with friends and family today — you’ll have some laughs, get some input and come up with a plan that will turn into an adventure. Don’t let a friend tempt you to pick up a bad habit tomorrow or on Tuesday. The choice is yours, and if anyone applies pressure, you have to question your relationsh­ip and his or her motives. You’ll be flying high when it comes to love, socialisin­g and taking on a challenge that stimulates you mentally or physically on Wednesday and Thursday. Play to win. Keep your thoughts to yourself on Friday and Saturday. The observatio­ns you make will help you dissect what the problem is and how best to fix it.

VIRGO( AUG 23- SEPT 22):

Take a peek at your earning and spending today, and size up what you have to do to lower your overhead or bring in more cash. The budget is in the balance, but a simple change can make a world of difference. Tomorrow and on Tuesday, emotional situations pertaining to partnershi­ps will have to be addressed before someone gets hurt, angry or retaliates. Look for a solution that takes a group effort. You will get off on the right foot if you are willing to make noteworthy changes at home on Wednesday and Thursday. Either sizing down or rearrangin­g your space to suit your needs is a good place to start. Invite friends over on Friday and Saturday, or plan a short, fun-filled trip.

LIB RA( SEPT 23- OCT 22):

Make personal changes today, and you will feel good about the direction you have chosen. Make time to do something special with your lover, children or a good friend. Problems while travelling or dealing with bureaucrat­ic agencies will crop up tomorrow and on Tuesday. Make sure you have all your papers up to date. Your changeable mood will keep everyone around you guessing on Wednesday and Thursday. Make plans to engage in activities that include friends, relatives or neighbours. A garage sale will bring in extra cash. Romance is in the stars. Take care of your money, health and emotional well-being on Friday and Saturday. A couple of simple changes will ease your stress.


Charm and an empathetic attitude will keep you out of trouble today. You’ll do best if you get out and socialise or try something you’ve never done before. Show everyone how capable you are tomorrow and on Tuesday and an offer you can’t refuse is likely to come down the pipeline. Someone will be jealous of your good fortune. Protect your reputation and your assets. Resurrecti­ng an old pastime on Wednesday and Thursday will motivate you to reconnect with someone who shared the same interest. Discuss future plans and a joint venture. On Friday and Saturday, you’ll be attracted to people, items and hobbies that are likely to upset someone close to you. Keep the peace with a romantic gesture.


Test your skills and make home improvemen­ts today. Liven things up at home, and you’ll get the help you require to implement your plans. Don’t let anger get the better of you tomorrow and on Tuesday. Not everyone will be honest or live up to promises made. Put your energy into perfecting your skills and enjoying all the belongings you have worked so hard to acquire. Love, romance and bringing about a positive change to the way, where or how you live will be a breaking point to a new beginning on Wednesday and Thursday. On Friday and Saturday, get together with someone you have worked with in the past and an interestin­g idea will develop.

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