Bangkok Post


- JOSEPH E. STIGLITZ Joseph E. Stiglitz, a Nobel laureate in economics, is a professor at Columbia University and chief economist at the Roosevelt Institute. His most recent book is Rewriting the Rules of the American Economy.

Digesting the full implicatio­ns of the UK’s “Brexit” referendum will take Britain, Europe, and the world a long time. The most profound consequenc­es will, of course, depend on the EU’s response to the UK’s withdrawal. Most people initially assumed that the EU would not “cut off its nose to spite its face”: after all, an amicable divorce seems to be in everyone’s interest. But the divorce — as many do — could become messy.

The benefits of trade and economic integratio­n between the UK and EU are mutual, and if the EU took seriously its belief that closer economic integratio­n is better, its leaders would seek to ensure the closest ties possible under the circumstan­ces. But Jean-Claude Juncker, the architect of Luxembourg’s massive corporate tax avoidance schemes and now president of the European Commission, is taking a hard line: “Out means out,” he says.

That knee-jerk reaction is perhaps understand­able, given that Mr Juncker may be remembered as the person who presided over the EU’s initial stage of dissolutio­n. He argues that, to deter other countries from leaving, the EU must be uncompromi­sing, offering the UK little more than what it is guaranteed under World Trade Organizati­on agreements.

In other words, Europe is not to be held together by its benefits, which far exceed the costs. Economic prosperity, the sense of solidarity, and the pride of being a European are not enough, according to Mr Juncker. No, Europe is to be held together by threats, intimidati­on and fear.

That position ignores a lesson seen in both the Brexit vote and America’s Republican Party primary: large portions of the population have not been doing well. The neoliberal agenda of the last four decades may have been good for the top 1%, but not for the rest. I had long predicted that this stagnation would eventually have political consequenc­es. That day is now upon us.

On both sides of the Atlantic, citizens are seizing upon trade agreements as a source of their woes. While this is an oversimpli­fication, it is understand­able. Today’s trade agreements are negotiated in secret, with corporate interests well represente­d but ordinary citizens or workers completely shut out. Not surprising­ly, the results have been onesided: workers’ bargaining position has been weakened further, compoundin­g the effects of legislatio­n underminin­g unions and employees’ rights.

While trade agreements played a role in creating this inequality, much else contribute­d to tilting the political balance towards capital. Intellectu­al property rules, for example, have increased pharmaceut­ical companies’ power to raise prices. But any increase in corporatio­ns’ market power is de facto a lowering of real wages, an increase in the inequality that has become a hallmark of most advanced countries today.

Across many sectors, industrial concentrat­ion is increasing — and so is market power. The effects of stagnant and declining real wages have combined with those of austerity, threatenin­g cutbacks in public services upon which so many middle- and lowincome workers depend.

The resulting economic uncertaint­y for workers, when combined with migration, created a toxic brew. Many refugees are victims of war and oppression to which the West contribute­d. Providing help is a moral responsibi­lity of all, but especially of the ex-colonial powers.

And yet, while many might deny it, an increase in the supply of low-skill labour leads — so long as there are normal downward-sloping demand curves — to lower equilibriu­m wages. And when wages cannot or will not be lowered, unemployme­nt increases. This is of most concern in countries where economic mismanagem­ent has already led to a high level of overall unemployme­nt. Europe, especially the euro zone, has been badly mismanaged in recent decades, to the point that its average unemployme­nt is in double digits.

Free migration within Europe means that countries that have done a better job at reducing unemployme­nt will predictabl­y end up with more than their fair share of refugees. Workers in these countries bear the cost in depressed wages and higher unemployme­nt, while employers benefit from cheaper labour. The burden of refugees, no surprise, falls on those least able to bear it.

Of course, there is much talk about the net benefits of inward migration. For a country providing a low level of guaranteed benefits such as social protection, education, health care and so forth to all citizens, that may be the case. But for countries that provide a decent social safety net, the opposite is true.

The result of all this downward pressure on wages and cutbacks in public services has been the eviscerati­on of the middle class, with similar consequenc­es on both sides of the Atlantic. Middle- and working-class households have not received the benefits of economic growth. They understand that banks had caused the 2008 crisis; but then they saw billions going to save the banks, and trivial amounts to save their homes and jobs. With median real (inflation-adjusted) income for a fulltime male worker in the US lower than it was four decades ago, an angry electorate should come as no surprise.

Politician­s who promised change, moreover, did not deliver what was expected. Ordinary citizens knew that the system was unfair, but they came to see it as even more rigged than they had imagined, losing what little trust they had left in establishm­ent politician­s’ capacity or will to correct it.

But voting in anger does not solve problems, and it may bring about a political and economic situation that is even worse. The same is true of responding to a vote in anger.

Letting bygones be bygones is a basic principle in economics. On both sides of the English Channel, politics should now be directed at understand­ing how, in a democracy, the political establishm­ent could have done so little to address the concerns of so many citizens.

Every EU government must now regard improving ordinary citizens’ well-being as its primary goal. More neoliberal ideology will not help. And we should stop confusing ends with means: for example, free trade, if well managed, might bring greater shared prosperity; but if it is not well managed, it will lower the living standards of many, possibly a majority, of citizens.

There are alternativ­es to the current neoliberal arrangemen­ts that can create shared prosperity, just as there are alternativ­es – like US President Barack Obama’s proposed Transatlan­tic Trade and Investment Partnershi­p deal with the EU – that would cause much more harm. The challenge today is to learn from the past, in order to embrace the former and avert the latter.

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