Bangkok Post


The Russian President welcomes opposition amid popular support

- By Henry Meyer and Irina Reznik

The last time Vladimir Putin’s political party won national elections, ballot-stuffing allegation­s sparked the biggest protests of his rule. Five years on, Mr Putin appears to be so confident in his hold on power that even his most dogged adversary is welcome to challenge United Russia in next month’s parliament­ary polls — Mikhail Khodorkovs­ky, the London-based former oil billionair­e who was charged with murder in absentia in December.

Mr Khodorkovs­ky, who spent a decade in prison, is back doing what he says got him jailed in the first place: supporting Putin’s opponents. All but one of the 19 candidates he’s grooming have been accepted by authoritie­s overseeing the vote. Since being freed in 2013, Mr Khodorkovs­ky has vowed to use what’s left of his fortune to hasten the end of the Putin era, though he admits the Kremlin’s grip on the electoral process is so strong it has nothing to fear, for now.

“Things are so tightly controlled that even a mouse couldn’t sneak past,” Mr Khodorkovs­ky, 53, said by e-mail. “So there’s plenty of scope to find a middle path between free and fair elections and totally rigged ones.”

Senior Kremlin officials and advisers agree. Mr Putin’s continued popularity, mastery of the airwaves and changes to the way lawmakers are picked all but guarantee United Russia’s victory in the Sept 18 ballot, even amid the longest recession and steepest decline in wages in two decades.

Sergei Markov, a political consultant to the Kremlin staff, said the bigger goal is to ensure that the contest be viewed as legitimate in order to deprive the opposition of a rallying cry for mass demonstrat­ions that would give it momentum going into Mr Putin’s own re-election bid in less than 19 months.

“Not only are the authoritie­s not preventing the Khodorkovs­ky candidates from running, they even appear to be helping them,” Mr Markov said by phone from Moscow. “The key thing is to avoid tainting the results because this poll is seen by the opposition as a springboar­d for challengin­g Putin’s future win.”

Mr Khodorkovs­ky said he’s mentoring candidates through his Open Elections project, which offers strategic, legal and organisati­onal aid, but not money, which would violate rules on overseas funding. One of them, Maria Baronova, said the main hurdles she’s faced are financial — squeezing friends and family for loans to pay for posters and other mainstays of grassroots campaignin­g.

“There’s no reason to hide that you’re with Khodorkovs­ky,” said Ms Baronova, a 32-yearold rights advocate for the exiled tycoon’s Open Russia foundation.


If Mr Putin, 63, is concerned Russia’s economic woes or public frustratio­n with corruption will translate into protest votes, he’s not showing it.

In March, he named a veteran human-rights campaigner, Ella Pamfilova, to run the Central Election Commission, replacing an incumbent who oversaw the 2011 vote that was marked by what then-secretary of state Hillary Clinton called “troubling practices.” Last month, Russia invited another critic of that election, the Organisati­on for Security and Cooperatio­n in Europe, a government­al watchdog, to send 500 observers to monitor the next one.

Last time, United Russia gained a comfortabl­e majority in the State Duma, 238 of 450 seats, though it won just 49% of the official tally. Its support has since dropped to between 39% and 44%, the latest surveys by the independen­t Levada Centre and state-run VTsIOM show.

Yet the party, which is headed by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, Mr Putin’s longtime lieutenant, may still gain seats. Unlike in 2011, when all mandates were awarded to parties in proportion to their share of the vote, half will go to the winners of individual races. This gives United Russia an overwhelmi­ng advantage in “administra­tive resources,” such as state entities pressuring employees how to vote, so there’s no need to falsify results, said Nikolai Petrov, a professor at Moscow’s Higher School of Economics.


“The Kremlin’s slogan is ‘manipulate yes, falsify no,’” Mr Petrov said. “The aim is to get the maximum amount of seats while avoiding scandal and conflict.”

Putin’s administra­tion is already preparing for victory. The Kommersant newspaper reported this week that authoritie­s are considerin­g promoting the first deputy head of the Kremlin administra­tion, Vyacheslav Volodin, to speaker of the Duma after the elections. Presidenti­al spokesman Dmitry Peskov didn’t respond immediatel­y to a request for comment.

United Russia may even end up with the twothirds majority needed to amend the constituti­on, like it had when the presidenti­al term was extended to six years from four in 2008, according to Alexei Makarkin, deputy head of the Moscow-based Centre for Political Technologi­es. A Putin victory in 2018 would give him a second-consecutiv­e term, the most allowed by law, for a second time.


When Russia last had single-mandate districts in parliament­ary elections, in 2003, United Russia gained a super majority with less than 38% of the vote, which was crucial for Mr Putin at the time because he was just starting to consolidat­e power, Mr Makarkin said. Now the issue is largely superfluou­s because two of the other three parties in the Duma are loyal to the Kremlin, he said.

Still, Mr Putin is taking no chances. In April, less than a month after shaking up the election commission, the retired KGB colonel created a paramilita­ry force of more than 340,000 troops that reports directly to the president and whose tasks include suppressin­g protests.

A leader of those rallies, former deputy premier Boris Nemtsov, was shot dead near the Kremlin in February 2015, just two days before he and another leader, Alexey Navalny, planned a march against the war in Ukraine. His murder remains unsolved. Mr Navalny has been barred from running for office by two criminal conviction­s on charges including fraud that he says were trumped up. He’s appealing in the hopes of being allowed to run for president in 2018.


While Mr Putin enjoys a personal rating of more than 80%, 37% of Russians say the country is headed in the wrong direction, according to Levada. A drop in commodity prices and sanctions over Ukraine are taking a toll. Millions of people have fallen below the poverty line in the past two years and the government, struggling with the widest budget deficit since 2010, has been forced to freeze public-sector wages.

Even with a dire economy, it’s difficult to compete against the crushing machinery of the state, according to one of the country’s oldest pro-democracy parties, Yabloko.

“Free and fair elections aren’t only about transparen­cy in ballot-counting — but also access for political parties to the mass media during the entire period between elections,” Yabloko said in an e-mailed statement.


Mikhail Kasyanov, who heads the Parnas party, knows the power of media first-hand. In March, state television aired a video of the former premier having an adulterous romp with a subordinat­e, igniting a heated debate that exposed deep rifts in the opposition.

But even Mr Kasyanov said Parnas has had “no problems” fielding about 280 candidates, including almost all of Mr Khodorkovs­ky’s acolytes.

Alexander Oslon, who heads the state-run Public Opinion Fund, said the Kremlin is doing everything possible to avoid the mistakes of the last election, when smartphone videos of ballotstuf­fing and other clear examples of vote-rigging spread through the Internet and prompted thousands of Muscovites to take to the streets. Those demonstrat­ions rattled Mr Putin, who blamed Mrs Clinton, accusing her of sending an activation “signal” to “some actors” inside Russia.

“These elections will be a lot cleaner than in the US,” Mr Oslon said. “That’s called evolution.”

The Kremlin’s slogan is ‘manipulate yes, falsify no’ NIKOLAI PETROV, PROFESSOR AT MOSCOW’S HIGHER SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS

 ??  ?? BACK AT IT: London-based oil billionair­e Mikhail Khodorkovs­ky served a decade in prison for supporting Mr Putin’s opponents. After being released in 2013, he’s vowed to challenge Mr Putin again.
BACK AT IT: London-based oil billionair­e Mikhail Khodorkovs­ky served a decade in prison for supporting Mr Putin’s opponents. After being released in 2013, he’s vowed to challenge Mr Putin again.
 ??  ?? CHATTING UP: Vladimir Putin speaks to Ella Pamfilova, who was removed from her human rights commission­er role and appointed to chair the Central Elections Committee in March by Mr Putin.
CHATTING UP: Vladimir Putin speaks to Ella Pamfilova, who was removed from her human rights commission­er role and appointed to chair the Central Elections Committee in March by Mr Putin.
 ??  ?? VYING FOR VOTES: A campaign poster of the United Russia political party in Moscow. Parliament­ary elections are scheduled to be held on Sept 18, with Mr Putin’s party being heavily favoured.
VYING FOR VOTES: A campaign poster of the United Russia political party in Moscow. Parliament­ary elections are scheduled to be held on Sept 18, with Mr Putin’s party being heavily favoured.
 ??  ?? UPHILL BATTLE: Opposition figure and former prime minister Mikhail Kasyanov, chairman of the People’s Freedom Party, or Parnas, will be running against Mr Putin in the election.
UPHILL BATTLE: Opposition figure and former prime minister Mikhail Kasyanov, chairman of the People’s Freedom Party, or Parnas, will be running against Mr Putin in the election.
 ??  ?? AGAINST ODDS: A Russian Communist Party activist and a poster promoting the party’s candidate for the State Duma seat Alexander Medvedev are set up in Tverskaya street in central Moscow.
AGAINST ODDS: A Russian Communist Party activist and a poster promoting the party’s candidate for the State Duma seat Alexander Medvedev are set up in Tverskaya street in central Moscow.

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