Bangkok Post

US kids eat too much added sugar


US children eat three times as much added sugar as they should, a leading US health group said last week, calling for stricter limits on sugar for kids.

Babies and tots under two should eat no added sugar at all and older children should have the equivalent of a maximum 100 calories per day, according to recommenda­tions from the American Heart Associatio­n (AHA).

That would mean no cakes, cookies or ice cream for children until their second birthday, and fewer than six teaspoons (25g) per day of added sugar for those between the age of two to 18.

It would also require most kids to eat about one-third of the added sugar they currently consume, often in the form of soda and sweetened cereal, according to the guidelines published in the journal Circulatio­n.

US kids and adolescent­s eat an average of 19 teaspoons of added sugar per day, said the AHA report, citing national survey research.

The guidelines were written by a panel of experts following a comprehens­ive review of scientific research on the effect of added sugars on children’s health.

“Eating foods high in added sugars throughout childhood is linked to the developmen­t of risk factors for heart disease, such as an increased risk of obesity and elevated blood pressure in children and young adults,” said the study.

The new guidelines aim to offer a simpler recommenda­tion than the previous AHA statement in 2009, which urged different limits according to various age groups.

“There has been a lack of clarity and consensus regarding how much added sugar is considered safe for children, so sugars remain a commonly added ingredient in foods and drinks, and overall consumptio­n by children remains high,” said lead author Miriam Vos, nutrition scientist and associate professor of paediatric­s at Emory University School of Medicine in Atlanta, Georgia. “The typical American child consumes about triple the recommende­d amount of added sugars,” she added.

Early years are particular­ly important because that is when children develop their taste preference­s, and they may opt for healthier foods if they are not exposed to sweets at a young age, said the report.

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