Bangkok Post

Refugee chief blasts ‘rich angst’


DUBAI: The rise of nationalis­m in rich countries poses a worrying challenge to the tide of migrants fleeing wars, the UN refugee chief said on Sunday, urging internatio­nal cooperatio­n to manage the flows pragmatica­lly “rather than building walls”.

UN High Commission­er for Refugees Filippo Grandi said he was talking to northern countries about how to rebuild respect for the principle of asylum, put under pressure by politician­s’ misleading portrayal of refugees as a threat.

Asked how concerned he was about the apparent collision between increased refugee flows and growing populism and nationalis­m in the West, he said in an interview: “I am very worried because I think that collision somehow has already happened. You have rich countries that are becoming inward-looking.

“We’ve seen it in the United States and Europe, and we have seen also unfortunat­ely some exploitati­on of these fears or this malaise, and linking it to the presence of foreigners. I think this is misleading in a way. Refugees flee because they are afraid.”

Last year, vast flows of people fleeing war and poverty in the Middle East and Africa stretched authoritie­s around Europe as they struggled to deal with Europe’s largest migrant flows since World War II.

Mr Grandi said people would find a way to move whatever obstacles they faced: “Rather than building walls we should address in the proper manner these movements and manage them in a principled and pragmatic way.”

Asked if helping the refugees was a vote-losing strategy in the West, Mr Grandi replied: “Unfortunat­ely. But it’s something that politician­s have brought upon themselves.

“Instead of explaining that refugees need help, they have ... presented these as people that come to rich countries, abuse the values or steal the wealth.”

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