Bangkok Post

A warm spinach salad, wearing pancetta and egg


When boxes of washed baby spinach first hit the stores so many years ago, my intake of the ironrich vegetable soared. No longer would a spinach salad or a skillet full of garlic-sautéed leaves require 20 minutes of gritty, stem-pulling, thrice-rinsing preparatio­n. As much as I loved spinach, it had been a never-on-a-weeknight thing.

Now it’s my go-to green when I want to make a salad in under five minutes or when I need to add green matter to a soup or stew.

A downside, though, beyond the fact of the plastic clamshell packaging, is that since baby spinach has become so seductivel­y available, I rarely take the time to seek out and then clean the regular kind.

That regular, more mature spinach is dark green, thickleafe­d and often ruffle-edged, which gives sand and soil plenty of little crevices in which to settle. This is why it needs to be soaked in clean water a full three times to clean it, as opposed to the quick rinse I’d give to boxed greens. The upside is that fully grown spinach has a more complex flavour than those immature shoots, one that’s earthier and more mineral. It also has a sturdier, crisp texture, meaning that it can hold its own next to pretty much whatever you want to toss it with in your salad bowl. Drizzle a warm bacon dressing onto baby spinach, and it will start to wilt on impact; you’ll get something closer to a sauté than to a pert salad.

The classic warm, bacon-dressed spinach salad was created with mature spinach in mind. This recipe is a take-off of that basic concept, substituti­ng cubes of pancetta for the bacon. Then, to make it hearty enough for a meal, I use the pancetta fat to fry scallions and eggs, which I slide on top of the greens. When the yolk gushes, it mingles with the tangy dressing as the fried scallions turn sweet and caramelise­d.

While you could make this salad with baby spinach, the texture won’t be as lively without the crunch of the fully grown leaves. Another possible substitute is kale, any kind.

This salad is excellent as a light dinner or substantia­l brunch. Or skip the scallions and eggs and serve it as a salad course. It will be a happy surprise for spinach lovers who may need to be reminded that maturity has its charms.

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